FREE Sample Low Histamine Recipes (2024)

‘Special Fried Rice’


For 2 or 4 people -

100g or 200g Brown rice

2 or 4 Carrots

2 or 4 Leeks

2 or 4 cloves Fresh garlic

3 or 6 cms Fresh ginger

1 or 2 Red onion

75g or 150g Green peas

30 or 60ml Sesame oil

50g or 100g Seeds - Sunflower or sesame

Handful fresh coriander to serve.


Boil water, and cook rice according to pack instructions.

Fifteen minutes before the end of the rice cooking time prepare the vegetables. Do not take them out of the fridge or freezer too early.

Working quickly so the vegetables remain crisp, slice carrots into ribbons using either a vegetable peeler or mandolin. Be careful!

Cut the leeks into thin diagonals using a sharp knife. Place both vegetables in cold water to keep fresh.

Prepare garlic and ginger by finely dicing then sprinkle with sea salt and crush with the back of a knife.

Cut the onion into thin slices just as you are ready to use it.

Fry onions in the oil until clear then add garlic and ginger for 1 minute, stirring all the time.

Drain and add sliced vegetables, seeds and peas, stir for 2 minutes.

As soon as the rice is cooked, add to the vegetables, toss and serve while still hot.

Season and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Hints & tips

Be careful when cooking rice. Always wash the rice and add a few basil leaves to the water during cooking. Make sure that all other food preparation is done while the rice cooks so that it can be used and eaten hot.

Add sliced baby sweetcorn, courgette ribbons, mange tout, green or haricot beans, mint or basil to serve.

If using fresh poultry (organic if possible and not stored even for one day) cut into thin slices and add to the wok before the vegetables. Once cooked, add the onions. Make sure the meat is fully cooked before serving.

FREE Sample Low Histamine Recipes (1)

‘Poached Apple Spaghetti’


For 2 or 4 people -

150g or 300g Wholegrain spaghetti

1 or 2 Apple

125 or 250ml Apple juice

125 or 250ml Light ‘stock’

1 or 2 Red onion

15 or 30ml Rapeseed oil

25g or 50g Butter

1 or 2 cloves Fresh garlic

A handful of fresh basil and a drizzle of olive oil to serve.


Boil the kettle and pour boiling water over the spaghetti. Cook according to packet instructions - usually for around 15 minutes.

Do not take vegetables out of the fridge too early. Work quickly so the vegetables remain crisp.

While the pasta cooks, finely slice the apple and add to a pan. Pour over the apple juice and stock. Poach the apple uncovered over a gentle heat for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, finely slice the onion. Heat the butter and oil until the butter melts. Gently fry the onion for 2 minutes.

Prepare garlic by finely dicing then sprinkle with sea salt, crush with the back of a knife.

Add the garlic to the onion, stirring, for a further minute.

Once cooked, stir the onions and garlic into the poached apple and juice. Season with unrefined sea salt and ground black pepper.

By this point, the spaghetti should also be ready. Drain carefully and stir into the sauce. Dress with torn basil and a drizzle of olive oil.

Hints & tips

To convert this to a more substantial meal - simply stir through a 100g portion of white beans, seeds, unripe goats cheese or feta per person.

Alternatively, replace the apple with very hard pears. Pears are low in histamine as long as they aren’t ripe.

Try to experiment with fresh herbs!

FREE Sample Low Histamine Recipes (2)

‘Quick Rhubarb Chutney’


For 2 or 4 people -

2 or 4 stalks Rhubarb

2 or 4 Carrots

1 or 2 Red onion

1 or 2 Apple

3 or 6 cms Fresh ginger

250 or 500ml Apple juice

1 or 2 sprigs Fresh mint

Try replacing the rhubarb with the same quantity of sweet potato, pear, mango, fig or peaches. Or simply use the ‘Faux Mato Bruschetta’ topping - with less seasoning - it’s quite sweet!


Preheat the oven to 220°c.

Do not take vegetables and fruit out of the fridge too early. Work quickly so that they remain crisp.

Cut the rhubarb into 1 cm widths and dice the carrots, onion and apple.

Prepare ginger by finely dicing. Then sprinkle with sea salt, and crush with the back of a knife. Chop herbs.

Place everything together in a loaf tin. Pour over the apple juice and cover with foil. Roast in the oven for 30 mins, stirring at 10 and 20 mins.

When the carrot is soft, carefully drain the mixture from the cooking liquor. Be sure to save the liquid.

Over a low heat, mash the fruit and vegetables roughly with a fork. Drizzle a little of the cooking liquor into the roughly mashed pulp. Stir over a low heat, until the desired consistency is achieved.

Season to taste (a little black pepper works well) and serve with home-made soda bread, oatcakes or crispbreads and salad.

Eat straight away or freeze - it does not contain vinegar or added sugar.

Hints & tips

Any leftover cooking liquor can be used as a fruit punch, or frozen for future use as tasty ice cubes or to be reused as part of a fruit sauce.

If using sweet potato, try making a savoury side order. Replace the ginger with crushed garlic and stir through some butter in place of the drizzled liquor.

FREE Sample Low Histamine Recipes (3)

‘Moroccan-Style Salad’


For 2 or 4 people -

1 or 2 Sweet potato

30 or 60ml Rapeseed oil

1 or 2 Beetroot

½ or 1 litre Light ‘stock’

125g or 250g Millet grains

2 or 4 sprigs Fresh curry leaves

1 or 2 Red onion

1 or 2 Courgette

2 or 4 Spring onions

1 or 2 sprigs Fresh mint leaves

100g or 200g Sweetcorn

220g or 440g Chickpeas

1 or 2 cloves Fresh garlic

1 or 2 inch Fresh ginger


Preheat oven to 220°c and place two tins in the oven to heat up. Do not take vegetables out of the fridge too early. Work quickly so the vegetables remain crisp.

Dice the sweet potatoes, toss in rapeseed oil and season. Add to one oven proof tin and roast in the oven at 220°c for 10 minutes. Repeat with the beetroot (being careful to avoid staining) and place in the second tin.

Now place millet and stock in a pan and bring to the boil. Finely chop curry leaves and stir into the pan. Reduce to a simmer for 10-15 mins.

Meanwhile, dice the onion and courgette - add to the potatoes and roast for a further 5 mins. Slice spring onions to ½cm and finely chop mint. Stir with the sweetcorn and chickpeas into to the potatoes. Put in oven.

Prepare garlic and ginger by finely dicing. Sprinkle with sea salt, and crush with the back of a knife. Stir into the potatoes - cook for 2 mins.

When the millet is cooked and almost all of the stock is absorbed, remove both tins from the oven. Stir the roast vegetables into the millet.

Season to taste. Try serving with garlic soda bread or with a crisp salad.

Hints & tips

Couscous and quinoa can also be used in place of millet. However, couscous is cooked by pouring boiling stock over and leaving to absorb.

Use in place of rice or pasta - cook in light stock, add fresh herbs and season to taste. Herbs commonly used in Moroccan cookery include - basil, parsley, coriander and marjoram.

If using fresh poultry (organic if possible and not stored even for one day) cut into small pieces and toss in the seasoned oil. Roast in the oven with the sweet potatoes. Make sure the meat is fully cooked before serving.

FREE Sample Low Histamine Recipes (4)

‘Risotto Verde’


For 2 or 4 people -

30ml or 60ml Rapeseed oil

125g or 250g Brown rice

½ or 1 litre Light ‘stock’

125g or 250g Green split peas

400 or 800ml Filtered water

1 or 2 sticks Celery

1 or 2 Onion

1 or 2 cloves Fresh garlic

125g or 250g Green beans

1 or 2 large Courgette

100g or 200g Green peas

A handful of fresh mint.


Lightly fry the rice on the hob with ½ rapeseed oil. Add the stock to the rice a little at a time - enough to cover and do not allow to dry out - until all of the stock has been used.

Meanwhile, cover green split peas with filtered water, bring to the boil, then simmer for 20 minutes. Top the water up a little after 10 minutes and then again after another 5.

Then roughly chop the celery and onion. Fry gently in ½ the oil for 2 mins. Prepare garlic by finely dicing then sprinkle with sea salt, crush with the back of a knife. Finely chop herbs and stir both into the onions for 1 minute.

Once the split peas are al dente, drain and stir into the rice along with the onion, celery, garlic and herbs. Freeze cooking liquid for ‘stock’.

Do not take vegetables out of the fridge too early. Work quickly so the vegetables remain crisp.

Cut the green beans diagonally into thirds and slice courgette into ribbons using a vegetable peeler or mandolin. Stir vegetables and peas into the rice.

Cook until vegetables are still a little crisp and the rice cooked. Season.

Hints & tips

Be careful when cooking rice. Always wash the rice and add a few basil leaves to the water during cooking.

Experiment with fresh herbs, and alternate with white beans. Also try other vegetables - leeks, sprouts, spring greens, broccoli, cabbage, mange tout, kale, courgette, and sprinkle with watercress or rocket.

FREE Sample Low Histamine Recipes (5)

‘Low-Histamine Chilli Carob Truffles’

An Easter-style treat; very easy to make and perfect as little gifts to share!

Ingredients -

Makes 6 or 12 truffles -

¼ or ½ small Fresh chilli

60g or 120g Butter

35g or 70g Carob powder

120 or 240ml Agave nectar

15ml or 30ml Tahini - light

10g or 20g Glucose powder

Method -

Finely chop the fresh chilli, removing the seeds. Add to a small saucepan.

Gently melt butter in the same pan. Once melted, stir in 30g (or 60g) carob. Remove the pan from the heat, stir in agave and tahini. Place pan in the fridge to allow the mix to set.

Once set, use a tsp to scoop the set truffle mix out of the pan and a second to spoon it onto greaseproof paper. Put in the freezer for 30 mins.

Finely ground the glucose in a pestle and mortar and combine with the remaining carob powder. Lightly dust a plate with the mixture. Gently roll the truffles to cover in the coating.

If truffles become too soft simply return them to the freezer for a few mins. Once rolled, put them back in the fridge for 5 mins before serving.

Hints & tips -

Carob truffles are very rich - only 1 or 2 per portion are more than enough! But they do freeze well.

An alternative coating for the truffles, try rolling in ‘Almond Frosting’, ‘Tahini Frosting’ or ‘Carob Butter’ and place in the fridge (see book for recipes.)

Or try the carob truffle recipe (without the chilli!) as the filling for ‘Pain au Chocolat’ - using home-made or bought puff pastry:

Simply roll 1 (or 2) pastry blocks to ½ cm thick and cut into 10cm squares. Cool and form the truffle mix into 10cm lengths and place at one end of each pastry square.

Roll into sausages, flatten slightly with your hand, brush with egg yolk or melted homemade jam. Bake at 200°c for 15 mins until golden.

FREE Sample Low Histamine Recipes (6)

‘Low Histamine Frozen Fruit Kebabs drizzled with a Carob Sauce’

When I’m working in the kitchen I sometimes have a helper. My little boy has a creative imagination and will often come up with ideas for recipes I should try – especially when it comes to taste-testing sweets and ices (no surprise there then!)

This week our homemade ‘Low Histamine (N)ice Cream Bars’ were a great success and got me thinking about making a fruity version as well. So after a consultation with my mini ‘sous chef’ we came up with a handful of ideas to try. Bearing in mind my son’s beautiful teeth we decided we’d try making each one over the summer and probably not all at once!

So by special request we made some frozen fruity kebabs drizzled with our carob sauce first. I think he was tempted by their similarity to those chocolate fountains that you often see at children’s parties :-)

This is simply a nice and easy adaptation of the ‘(N)ice Cream Bars’ carob shell topping drizzled over chunks of frozen fruit:

Ingredients –

Makes 4 or 8 ‘kebabs’

For the frozen fruity ‘kebabs’ –

½ or 1 whole Mango

¼ or ½ whole Watermelon (small)

½ or 1 whole Canteloupe melon

½ or 1 whole Honeydew melon

For the carob shell topping -

20 or 40 g Coconut oil

2 or 4 tsp Glucose powder

1 or 2 tsp Carob powder

½ or 1 tsp Light agave nectar

Method -

Make sure all of the fruit you use is a little under-ripe – both for its histamine content but this also helps the fruits stay better on the skewers as they tend to be firmer.

The evening before, peel and chop the fruit into cubes around 2.5 cm wide. Thread on to the skewers in an alternating pattern. Lay a piece of kitchen film on top of a metal baking tray that will fit in the top shelf of your freezer. Put the loaded skewers on top of the film and place in the freezer overnight until fully frozen.

Once the ‘kebabs’ have frozen, prepare the carob shell drizzle: Melt the coconut oil gently in a small saucepan and remove from the heat. Gradually stir in the glucose, carob powder and agave. It will seem a little grainy at the bottom of the pan but don’t worry; you don’t need to use that part (and even if you do by mistake, it will still set fine and taste great!)

Allow the carob mix to cool to room temperature. Lift each of the skewers off the kitchen film and hold them over your carob sauce tilted slightly over the pan. Using a spoon drizzle the sauce over the frozen ‘kebab’, rotating them to make an even pattern, but still letting some fruit show through. You’ll find that the frozen fruit starts to set the shell topping almost straight away. Hold the ‘kebab’ over the kitchen film for a minute before putting it back down.

Repeat with all 4 ( or 8 ) ‘kebabs’. You may want to wait a few minutes before serving (depending how hot the weather is!)

Enjoy – especially after a BBQ!

FREE Sample Low Histamine Recipes (7)

‘Low Histamine (N)ice Cream Bars’

These are absolutely delicious summer ice cream treats for grown-ups: Make the frozen ‘custard’ centres the evening before and then dip them into the topping just a few minutes before serving - just like we did today!

Ingredients -

Makes 4 or 8 small bars

For the frozen 'custard’ centre -

1.5 or 3 cms Fresh ginger

2 or 4 Organic egg yolks

100 or 200 ml Almond milk

100 or 200ml Double cream

15 or 30 g Glucose powder

For the carob shell topping -

40 or 80 g Coconut oil

1 or 2 tsp Light agave nectar

4 or 8 tsp Glucose powder

2 or 4 tsp Carob powder

Method -

The evening before, prepare the 'custard’: Prepare ginger by finely dicing, sprinkle with glucose, crush with the back of a knife. Add to a saucepan along with the milk and cream and bring to a gentle simmer. Allow to cool.

Beat egg and glucose in a large bowl. Slowly strain the cream into the egg - whisking all of the time. Pour liquidback into the saucepan. Return to a gentle heat until the custard thickens and coats the back of a spoon.

Pour into 4 ( or 8 ) small ice cream moulds and place in the freezer overnight until fully set.

Once the 'custard’ has frozen, prepare the carob shell topping: Melt the coconut oil gently in a small saucepan and remove from the heat. Gradually stir in the agave, glucose and carob powder. It will seem a little grainy at the bottom of the pan but don’t worry, you don’t need to use that part (and even if you do by mistake, it will still set fine and taste great!)

As the carob mix cools to room temperature, lay a piece of kitchen film on top of a metal baking tray that will fit in the top shelf of your freezer. Then remove the ice cream bars from the moulds - if you find they are difficult to remove, carefully pour hot water over the outside of the moulds before lifting them out gently.

As soon as the bars are out of the moulds, hold them over your carob sauce tilted slightly over the pan. Using a spoon drizzle the sauce over the frozen 'custard’, rotating the bar to get even coverage. You’ll find that the frozen centre starts to set the shell topping almost straight away. Hold the coated bar over the kitchen film for a minute before putting it down.

Repeat with all 4 ( or 8 ) bars. Return to the freezer for 10 minutes to firm up the frozen 'custard’ before serving. Enjoy!

FREE Sample Low Histamine Recipes (8)

To buy and download a copy of ‘The Red Wine Headache Cookbook’ eBook (£15 for over 240 pages of low-histamine goodness) click here –

FREE Sample Low Histamine Recipes (2024)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.