San Antonio Evening News from San Antonio, Texas (2024)

SflHANTDNIOEVENIRENEWi THURSDAY. SEFTEMJBEK 1C, SAN MTDHID EVENING NEW? Club Presidents by lira vrlll lea re September -5 Jor 10 attend Uaylor I'nmirsUy. Mr. Mm. C.

1,. Wyr hurc returned frfuii -i i i i to Misses I'orrv. I i r.nd Ivaylcr Col- at I i MJKM i i i i a Mexican i honor of Miss (JeraUHnp Tim lahln was aJorn-d i n'-giiia corona Covers were- initl for an. The wtlfli.i^ K. Drrslra' 1 of a Claire r-ile of Ilrrd, i fatlHT.

ItiiM sti Chaplain K. K. Swan no a KeJJy j-ea1 rhf which w.ii heard only munll pit tier relatives, Jplt immediately a t-ertmnay for their home In Ciit-yciiiif. Wrr. en roiue In St.

Ueitver Colorado Syrinss. Mr nnd -J. liiurjroit trU! ut i this i honor jf I Nora Mary Houston KInrcyvUle. whose entfalfMneiit to John II. Wood oi' has a Cover-) be for Mips HouHlon, Mr.

Wood. mi'i Mrs. J. C. Ho-jxton of iriorcs- vllle.

Mrs. Paul Foster Hill of J-os Virginia If oust on hoftg. The board of dirr-riors Of the Sun An totiio Socii'iy i in TO'Tri 'J I A i rmy r. 10 a a morn In K. The soloists uprx-nr 1 i tlif Sun A i i I will hi; i i Louise wilt Icatv for a where who will n-siiins studJcn ut the I'nhvrslty of Wisconsin.

She has spent the- i i with her par- cntn, Mr. a Mrs. I'aul a a Smith will hold ItH i i i a mootiajr of year i at o'clock. AJt uf IIP arid jjatronn of tin- Jtrp (fi us inaUc-rs the i i i TM of a kltciienc-ttt: at ib' 1 and Mrs. Warnor I-Jdci of I-Vt'dprifkHhijrff will -ntertuiii nt i ut i i i i liorj- of Lilliiui Hutthcs.

Covers will ls In fnr llwt'Iii'S. Uusafll Ilujrbps, Crpsham. Marjorio U. M. i i Mrs.

McU'-ruiotl, Mm. Nr-wromcr. and tfio Thr A i i r.f HIP Wosl Kiid Pros- i i a i-t'li- inorp UIMII young ftr-tipis' t-njoying tbr 11 a i about 1J miles out ou tlio i i roncned refreshments H'TVOil- K. V. A i will Icflvo tbin evoulnp Wdlrt.

where ulie will srx-ud nf i fcr' a visit i fccr Mrs. I. a a lirown h-ft Wcilnc.vsJa.v to i her studies at Kkv Thp I'arcnt-Tparhcr A i i o'cltxrk Friday aftcruoou. All inf Mihi.TS of patrons of Hu- hcul urn nski-d to attcud. Jnlui P.

Ornnr Ic.ivcn todaj for (hio. Tntinuc his stuUlcit at UK- i i i vt-rrtity of 'Htio. Miss Alrocdii has returned to hoale la Austin, a'ttr a visit with Brand; Badger, IVoodward Martin anil Ills cousin, Dalton Magruder, left tbe early of the for College to attend tie auJ College. Miss Eleanor Kltit' leave 3Iondny for AuBtlu, to enter University of Greetiugs have bwu received. Miss MarKare; McStravlek, who Irf a i 111., this Mrs, W.

G. Boclclm -Tr, of Hnrft'ood bi tbe or illss JuanJia Taylor. Klmn Dill" Russdl. who TMlting in Furl tvill po to 'cr tiw "mail at the Vulvcwlty of Tias. Mr.

and Mm. John K. Kicc of Honston gii'-uta of Mrs. i Mr. and Uccttcl of Carey Avenue.

Cfjipptoy bay frorc year's atay in York, where ebe has b--en New York School ci Fine n.icl I)pslTMn and the Nsr. York 1'rijfean'ioua! for interior Dec- orating. I MJPS twfl returned to her in Mr. and Mrs- r. Dollurd on Grove 1'lacs.

I-f Hpradon fur New York to stslor In Mrs. daUk'lJtcr, Miss I'Miih. for Dallas. Rtifk. i 1 Loo In.

India uctioliH Viattntiea, I rid tticy will 1 i qud relatives. HOME SOUGHT FOR BOY WHO WAS TIED TO NAIL FOUR DAYS i'OHK. diiy lire Iiomc for 10-ynnr-o Pflock, wlmic tU'd hi to a a i iii tbf wait and birr, 1 1' i'i 'our a 1.1: i said wus i i i him i i somi' fn-ira tlit fjHntly Ice IHJX. TlKt boy i su i i i fir be i slef-p i i i i i i i 1: fct-1. TIfl w-flx a ws i i i all i be i irrif his i i i i n-pt on i i when sirl i i frt-sh bryad unil Kliinf" of i The i i Mrs.

a NOPW ivomnn. i i i a vvheii i i eourl. So father. I'ofh ivrre i'Jf'ld tifuJi-r for her 1 ilistinciiou of httii of Vtv'ttif; problem. "Buy of the city's Is motto of league, and the Ao His- members nave pledged themselves to buy A ry and to buy from tbose MRS.

ANNA MAffiAUM, AGED SAN ANTONIAN, DIES AT RESIDENCE 1 nil serviccw for A a i i SI of who difd her 41 Street. o'clock will bo held 4 nYlork SnLnrdiiy i i he a i rnsidcmto. I'. K. Hein i i i a i nt tbr- service nriij jiiH-rrrH-ni i be in the a i pint in i No.

Mrs. Mnilioura was born in Oprm.iny ami rumt' tn I lip of 11. Sfi- lias i i for hiit year. She married i isyj lo i i i i wlio FRrrrnl i taU-s of tbo of old the ami of Civil i-xjii-rl'M)i-i's i jilwjiys be by I I JNtewrs, ix survived six i I I is years. Thov i HeruirK', FI.

Mncrii-. Mrs. I on. Frank and of i ninl i a ot i I i I i a 1 i -nuld lvn iho yomipfr mcinbers i i a i aid in their suidy. ATter a i subjecc ex- KtiiiKteiJ nml the iliib took up tin- i i of tlie hl-iTorj- of other lands, lliiroh '2, is a a ob- --t-rvcd bv tin- in i stvlp.

tn a i i 'to its ai-iivltj- alonx i a lines, tbt elnb is a power in all cnjrarur, i i i a i eauscs. 'J'lic nffici-rs ensniitis Mrn .1 jirpsltient Mrt. i i i i vifi- Mr5. Alex I 1 Vill a seeretiiy; Jfai L'r- t-orrespotiiling soi-rptary: Mrs. I-'.

a Miss llattie a i a a i a Mrs. 1-Ienrv VfnlTonl. dr-li-CTtc to i Federation; Tin- Hor.Mewivps' League Is IV wnr rrodnr-t. a i been nrgutilzpil "etoher 3init. for jmrpose of wiving the The offirera for tho year a re Mrs.

K. T.oretta, i Mrs. J. T. Suuth, vico Mrs, s.

J'. i btinj. Rtfonfl vli-o president: Mrs. 1-. .1.

vtrrc preside tit; Mrs. Kvansi, recordinR aei-rerury: -Mra. Frod- i-rifk Maiilo, sceretJiry I Ynn. Wyc-kf Neplfy, a i Mrs. I-Inyn, i i a l-'Ioyd Mi 1 r.o«-n.

chiurmiin i lliclinr'l V. IV. i Fail- Mrs, Frank Kngelson. milk committee; Mrs. i Hmwn, rbalrman meat I Mrs, T.

SniHIi. woicrhfM nnd wruwrw eo'nraJtt-re: htry. t'. rest mi a I i i Mr-, Floyd F. Sunffrr, sroccries: Mrs.

U. U. KuHwlI, dry 'Mrs. nieyer. iee; MM.

Chnrle? T. Flnehmn, Mrs, .1. A HUSBAND Adele Garrison's Najv Phase of REVELATIONS OF A WIFE THE SHOCK THAT MADGE SAVE DICKY. FIRST TO COME, THE FIRST TO CONQUER AND THE FIRST IN THE MINDS AND MEMORIES OF THE PEOPLE THE TRUTH TELLDiCLY TOLD The Portland (Oregon) Orcgoni- an. One of the Pacific Coast's Most Conscirative and Able Newspapers, on August 27, 1920.

Had This to Say. THEXCIRCL'S OF OTHER DAYS The'memory of no living man can earn- him back to a day when the name of John Robinson was not identified with the circus, and no man living on the Pacific Cosst whovpasscd any part of his boyhood or youth in (he Great Mississippi Valley needs to be reminded of America's first conspicuous circus owner. The appearance in Portland this week of the circus bearing the of the pioneer showman awakened recollections of the less spectacular but more thoroughly enjoyable tent performances of the early days. Did any old-timer happen to notice that the bills anjl inscriptions on the wagons read simply "John Robinson's Circus?" In his day the circus mean: horses--fine horses, the best that Kentucky bred, trained horses, daring bare-back riders whose breed has died out, and brilliant equestriennes, and acrobats not nearly so skillful as see them today, and clowns who were not bad comedians. Old-timers -noted that some of the old traditions were sustained; the old flavor of old John Robinson still lives, and it is a i ent spirit from the other enterprises u-hich Portland sees once every year, Robinson was originally a circus man.

Barnum wasn't; Barnum ran a museum and became an impresario before he launched "the greatest show on earth." Today the third generation of Robinsons illustrate difference between the circus and the so-called "great show." Old-timers wonder when they sec the modern improvements in tent shows why bare-back riding, which used lo be the pre-eminent attraction, has deteriorated. Robinson's circus iias several French, English and Italian riders who measure up to the old standard, sut seldom an American. Until this year the old circus has not invaded the Pacific Northwest for many years, and it was not generally known whether the John Robinson show still flourished. It was pleasant to learn that it Jives in vigor and. it is changed in part, the )ld jobn Robinson spirit survives.

VAUDEVILLE PIAYING: DAJjy 5 5 I 5 I aoseDonefiBobeilbeft! Virginia Norman Cat-s I Talma Feline vender TODAY, i-KlIAY, TO LOVE WITH MAE MURRAY DAVID POWELL i I 1 had not been so keyed i I i different rinotipns I lian 1 boen I to laugh heartily at Dicky's i race nnd a when I' a my ticm cuneerninif Urai-e Urnjjer Inn). i i a from him i cloak swept off by i ine "irr'es'iatibTv "saucers" to wfilcii 'the: ntiiiizeil; i i i i i i eyes of children are DU nritMi iromna'red. he said at last, i a i in liie voice. I n-adjusti-d my mental background qiiicklj-. 1 meant rn startle Uleky with guess.

1 now liuii to iirett-nd a IrnitwI- cdirc which i a not possessed until a moment, a knowledge, inorenver, which i me i i i i drcJd and har- li'ut not to Picky or any would I nr.ffss my terrified licwiidfrment- I m.vs'eif lu fuoiness siitctli and ctinn. "Of erfursi- I know." 1 with just H- snsiiiciyii of t-'ner-r in my voice, a i i am a a i to find out wily should wiuh to cume down -re. iind why it ijecessnry lo secret 'about her a i a 1 Hiii'pose is 1 to -A-hich yon and MaJ. i i a huvr. a My i'f I i was deliberate.

I rmV him uY-11 enough to realize hen hu is i i i i a his tongue is --THE-Gunter Hotel In the heart of the city and the traveling The Cafe The ideal dining place. Perfectly ventilated, open on two sides to great outdoors. I'liRCV TVUHELL. Maaaper looMpnod, and he nut i wliifh otherwise lie sceurt-ly His flair.fil i unger. and he took step me.

"There's 1 tliiuic you can out niiiij, I 1 ho cried. "I don't i i tho Kirl is more A daugor thiin lliul. who uk-ans tbe liettlfs, r.ryiltlauU'rf tfot some foul Jiis bt-niJ she's 'woK-eaa In sheep's cloth Ing-, roanliny iirouiiu to dev Hoint! i lamb IIko you, If you Hhould mo I'd tell tftiit in my opinion it's all cursed, rot; don't Miliik is trailing you at all. She's uioMt experience, aad she 'probably 1ms i rich enough to finance crip down here, even it slit Jmsn't enough maauma bi-rsolf. Aud all tlio world oomen down to i section when it's tired.

Tho (government has ser her f.rfo, you know. not rated as a i a She can po she "That is very pat pat," I said dryly. tit will yo i pxplnin why, if yon (hero Is no tr' me la her presence here, you nhoiilU bavc supported t'Jrantland hi his derannd for IUP to ftiUoorti--a a which you evidently deem absurd''" "V'ou're right. 'Abxunr is mild runic to nppiy tu it, what else wan 1 tu do It wasn't up to mo. your husband, lo underrate a a 1 which that pic- faced buob tbonpht nnd i i nent.

wflM I would simply be for i riffbr, all Jf I had, but d--n him, I i him a All the Jealousy and venomous dislike which Iiiety's neart hoMy for tho army officer were expressed in his tone. I nboliM have foreborn to arouse i further, 1 but his careless of a wbich I knew Mnj. Gninilimd most very real, made me coldly utigry aud reckless of "Not nil your friends share your i ish and touching belief that there is no menace in Miss Draper's nearness to me." I said mock in "Lilllun. for instance, TTUS quire exercised her release from "Lit!" The monosyllable scorned to or ho through the room. "Why.

how have you known a the girt out of prison?" "Sinrc the day she was released." I returned quietly, but I was seKMnK with rcsontment. and I cast about blindly for some surR tnt-thod of infuriating iay nus- banh I found it. "Fortunately for my safety, not all oar SAM AHTQJHO'S CIRCDS DAY Five Acts Loew's Vaudeville STARTS TODAY Vaudeville at 3:33. INTERNATIONAL REVUE An Artistic Idea MURPHY KLEIN" Dainty Green Florette I Dixie MEMAN ILVRRIS BETTER OR FOR WORSE? Cecil B. DeMille's Great Drama CIRCUS i COMING MONDAY, 97 SEPT TODAY FRIDAY, SATURDAY "Thunder Glgrantic Spectacle 4--Other Big Acts--1 and Buck Jones In "Firebrand Trevison" SE.VNETT COMEDY--SERIAL Daily Bargain Mats.

10 a. m. to 1 p. m. KIDS ADULTS TODAY.


Jkwrred Sean md Admission Ticlutx on Uawntown Clreni mi jnffhtft Drar More, Opposite- FOR IMMEDIATE WEAR SWEATERS are a timely purchase. With a good-looking plaited skirt, you have at once the smart, informal costume Which the Southern in-between season requires. The HOUSE of BLUM PRESENTS THE LATEST VERSION of the SWEATER --the -Surplice Blouse Sweater, black or a at --the Sweater Coat, in heavy wool, a severely plain wrap, made for the out-of-doors, at --the Knitted Tuxedo, of wool, dignified in irs simplicit)', at --the Carnel's-hair Sweater, luxurious in its beauty. As distinctive as a model gown. Designs up to $6.50 $9.50 $18.50 i th.

only when necosu.iry unfl to ouy irom inose $Vf 111 I nm SHAWLS Ample as capes, or fashioned to protect the throat in the wind. Every conceivable shade. $8.50 $16.50 TAILORED SWEATER COATS For the school girl. Warm and "comfy," without furbelows, solving the problem of the sensible school wrap. $6.75 to .75 mmm MAMA ANT BEFKIEXDS WIJ.I.Y BEE.

-Varna A swung ber little market basket over her arm, and wjtli a juyrry laugh started off to market. Sic stopped to speak (o Mrs. Crk-ket, and laughed oheor. lij- wliei! Mrs. Cricket complained.

course, winter will soon be here," she replied. "All I have tu say 16, 1 hope I'll be ready (or him." "Yes, but goodness me!" fussed Mrs. Cricket. "Why, it dovsu't socni lo mo that we've had any summer yet! 1 fan alniost count the warm dyya on my fcvt. and as to real hot clays--well, I can't remember iiiuny, can you?" "True, there haTo not many warm days," replied Mama Ant.

"uut wljafn the use i Maybe It inrains we're td hnve tnild winter, however it la. I'm troing to lay )u luy supply of food juat the same as I did last fall. You don't eatch me nappliiir. Why. I bod to Hklrop to (jet through last winter! Mt again this year! Here's one that will be ready to meet a good, long.

Hard winter. If it happens to tie mild then it won matter, il lt- a Jouff one I won't have to worry," "Well. I don't know but what that's beet way to look at it." laughed Mrs. Cricket. "When I saw that lieivy dew this inwnlnK I bfRan fixing up my house." "Sure, we have to take tbe bitttr with the 1 sweet." laughed Mama Ant ae she nodded "eocd-by" aud went ier way humming 'to bemeltt.

a She a gone far when she spied Billy lice curled up on a leal sound asleep. At Mama Ant tiioufrnt she'd let him sleep, but on second thought 6hc snook tbe lazy fellow aud awakened hlaj. "Why. Willy Bee! don't you know this Isn't the time to she laughed. "My goodness! There's BO much tu bo done before winter comes!" "Winter Willy Bet, raising nad rubbing bio eyes with feelers.

"Don't talfc about winter earning yet. We've nad no summer BO far." "Well I don't know!" replied Mama Ant, shaking her hear sadly. "This morn- i whsn I awakened the field was coterecl with wefcby telephone wires, and that's a pretty good aifrn tuaf old winter Isn't very far off." "Pooh!" buzzed Willy Bee. "Mrs. Spider always Is ahead of herself.

She's no orff to listen to." "Oh o' course, we all make mwtakeB sometimes," replied Mama Ant, "bnt I'd rather be on the safe side than on the wrong side. I BDppose you've filled np your storerooms?" Willy Bee yawned tizjly and sboofc his head. "Then you'd better take my advice and pet bnsy," laughed Mama. Ant, "fill up your storehouse before Jt too late. Better be on the safe Bide.

Chatty Chipmunk nnd Tluffy Sciuirrel both arc nil through i Imnp; houses, and fire begin-' nlng tu fill their bouses. I'm on uiy way to market nuw. Hotter stir yourself nnd come with inc." i Kep shivered and his wings co bis little brown suit as A cool, t-risp swept over the meudows. 1 "Ouess you're ripht," be buzzed, jumping, up. I had slept there much lunger I should have been stiff.

Thanks, Mama You'll never cutch me napping atrnin." fiuzzlng merrily, Willy Uee sailed off across the meadow. "I'm sliid 1 awakened htm," said Ant she hurried on to market. "Of course, it delayed me hit. but it WHS worth it. I'll walk all the faster." It was a happy day when Willy lire saw Mniiiu Ant again and told her It? hud followed her advice, and that his storerooms were filled, VinU when the meadow folks hnarii Mrs, Spider's wchny wires btizxlng they nil Inugbcd- merrily.

Old Winter hud found them ready for their winter nup. To Ilomemaliprs: Tlie I.lummert Store, West Commcnv Street. Is an alluring jilnce just now. Offerings In wail paper, picture framing, etc. (Adv.) Hono'r Hwbert I.O.NDQ.X.

Sept. "The names of Herbert 1 uceordiiij; to thu Times, "nre beinff given Jo ninny newly-born Jewish boys Europe IIM a crtmpll- ment to the High Commissioner of I'iiles- Une." PEYTON'S FIRST. COMPANY SHOPS OKUMDHACRV WICHITA R. WORTH HOUSTON SANAKTOH1O BEAUM5V. SHREVCKMT MEMPHIS PETON3 UPSTAIRS SHOPS MEANS INTRINSIC VALUES 2 Alamo Plaza San Antonio.

friends elure Jpor optimism Miss Draper," concerning ald smoothly. "Lillian and Drake Save been watching etery movement of beti, and of tie persosf concerned In ber eg Be, ever glnce the was tent to Advice to Girls' By Annie'Laurie Dear Aanlc Laurie TDere was a. crowd of jonns on ray front porch, and oaf young lady ptwMKled lo nnont my brother Tery meanly, not know- IDZ I was to blm. I do 7 -Vujt I her to come to my botne FAULTS. I admire yoar loyalty to yoar brotier and aiiTHe yon to tell tke yoonjt woman quietly that Hai offended yon, -why.

She not ipoken with but only nrelemly. In tbat she' fhonld upolollis In way to latlufy yon. Jf not you think has spokim ml it Is better that she keep. away frem yonr -at Hertzberg 's 1 Wetter Pitchers in their chaste Refreshing lines. You may purchase from us a single piece, a full dinner or table service-j-and have a variety from which to choose.

Attention is especially directed to The Gorham Company's ware--of a Quality by which all standards are yet reasonable in price. In -massive sterling silver, from S75.00. In fine grades of plate, from S13.50. --we invite comparison of prices Hertzberg's "At the of the Clock" HOC8TOX, AT MT. MABVS 8TBEBT.

San Antonio Evening News from San Antonio, Texas (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.