Supervisors | Human Resources (2024)


Welcome supervisors!

As a supervisor, you play an important role in supporting the university’s mission and your team’s development and engagement. Thank you for everything you do.

We’ve organized many useful resources to help you with your hiring and managing responsibilities. We hope you’ll find tools here to make it easier to take action in the areas that matter most to you and your team.

Hybrid and remote work guidelines

A work location workgroup was charged with researching, exploring ideas and providing recommendations on how work location can support our efforts to advance our state and those we serve. As a residential campus, we must continue to focus on how we can best evolve to meet the needs of our community and fulfill our mission to teach, heal, discover and serve.

Work Location Guidelines for campus staff positions are now available. UK HealthCare will maintain separate guidelines.

University leaders conducted a review of all campus staff positions to determine which positions are eligible for remote or hybrid work. A request form is now available under Employee Self Service in myUK for staff in eligible positions to request a remote or hybrid work arrangement.View instructions on how to complete the form. Supervisor instructions on reviewing the form are also available.

More about work location

EMAIL NEWSLETTER Supervisor Solutions

Supervisor Solutions is a monthly newsletter designed to provide vital, timely information to help you succeed in your role as a supervisor at the university.

Sign Up

New UK supervisors

Congratulations on your new role at UK as a supervisor!

Get started with our required University SuperVision training. Also check out our tools for hiring, onboarding and employee engagement — and subscribe to our newsletter for the latest information.

> University SuperVision training

> Newsletter

> Tools for hiring, onboarding and engagement




Employee engagement

The hiring process

As a supervisor, you may also act as a hiring official to fill vacancies or expand your team. We offer tools to make it easier to hire.

Make a plan

Post a position

Select a candidate

Extend an offer

Place on payroll

University Onboarding

Welcoming a new team member starts before their first day and extends beyond it.

All regular staff employees are required to complete University New Employee Orientation. UK HealthCare staff must also complete UK HealthCare New Employee Orientation. Your college or division may also require additional onboarding training.

Onboarding timeline tools

These checklists cover all major milestones, before and after day 1 through year 1, for successful onboarding.

Find recommendations for pre-first day, day 1, 30, 60, 90 and even the first year. Our online staff handbook serves as a reference and reminder of new employee orientation — for you and your new employee.

See Milestone Checklist

100% ONLINE University New Employee Orientation

All employees in regular staff positions .5 FTE and greater, and all WEPP positions, must complete orientation within 30 calendar days.

As a supervisor, it’s critical you enter new employees in SAP prior to their first day. This triggers a welcome email about orientation sent to your new employee on their first day (you'll be copied on it).

Our online staff handbook serves as a reference and reminder of new employee orientation — for you and your new employee.

Support employee engagement

Learn how we approach these topics and discover tips to make it easier to show your support.


We appreciate employees for who they are as people.


We recognize employees by celebrating what they do— their work contributions, milestones and achievements.


New parents
Working parents


In the U.S., one out of every six employees provides care for an older loved one.


Make time for yourself and encourage your team members to do the same.

Mental health support

As a supervisor, you can provide resources to help support health and well-being for your employees. Our mental health therapists are available for consultations to assist you.

Suicide prevention

Suicide is the most preventable death and any positive action may save a life.


If you're planning to bring a group of colleagues together, we'll help make it engaging.


What to know about the university

Our staff handbook covers everything you need to know about the university when you join us. You may need to reference the handbook and especially these topics relevant to supervisors.

Regulation, policy and procedures

Performance evaluation

Know your role in this university-wide process.

Annual performance evaluations recognize a job well done and facilitates our university’s mission, vision and values.

Learning and education

You have many learning opportunities available to you and your team members.

Professional development

Technology training

Mission, vision and values

Is your team aligned?

Learn about the vision, mission and values for the university as a starting point for your team to develop your own.


Do you know what to do in case of an emergency?

Get information on employee health and safety, UKAlert, and emergency management procedures.

Staff handbook

As a UK employee, you are responsible for staying up to date with these policies, procedures and practices that govern and affect your employment.

Supervisors | Human Resources (2024)


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Article information

Author: Rueben Jacobs

Last Updated:

Views: 6066

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.