The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

5 4 4 04 06 6 FIRMNESS Eggs Brings Rise. Creamery Butter Is Left Unchanged -Sales Good. Spot Wheat Acts Independently of Futures, Closing Two Cents Up ---Hay Market Draggy. Fractional increases in all grades of fresh eggs and a decrease in roosters were the sole changes made on the Produce Exchange yesterday, This was in keeping with the firmer conditiona at New York and Chicago and the report current that receipts were not as liberal as had been expected. Creamery butter Was left changed, despite prices weaker and 1c down to 48c at Chicago and to 1 49c at New Fork.

The United States Bureau report received yesterday said that the statistioal position of the reamery market was fairly firm, with torage withdrawals for the month of February amounting to 18,886,090 pounds, leaving a surplus of 19,015,000 over last March 1 holdings. The report ways that many close students of fathe storage situation are predicting fan heavy a withdrawal movement in March as in February, which will further reduce the storage on hand and bring holdings on April 1 very close to the five year average of 9,813,000 pounds. Fruits and Vegetables Quiet, Fruits and vegetables were quiet along Commission Row and brisk at the Fruit Auction, where prices were fairly well maintained 8.9 compared with those of last Friday. Twentyilve cars were sold, 10 of which were Florida oranges, at $4 25 A box. Other anles were 7 cars of grapefruit ut a box, 2 cars of California navels at $4 20 20 a box, 1 car of lemons at $3 15 24 4.95 box, 1 car of A tangerines at $2750315 a half box cars of winesap apples at $310 365 a box, and 1 car of Baldwing at $106 a barrel.

About 50 boxes 01 best winesaps were withdrawn from sale, but other fruit sold briskly. Strawberries were weaker and lower Cash wheat acted independently of the options on May at Chicago, which were down be, and ruled steady at bids of 2c higher. There were no sales or offers for spot, and quoted prices were reported as largely Jectural. Demand was slow and the nine cars received were absorbed largely by elevators. Corn conditions were unsettled, with prices Irregular.

No. 8 grades were off 2e and Nos. 4, And 6 were up 1c. Oats declined 1c, with demand slow and receipts light. Hay, Flour and Feed Dull.

Hay demand showed 110 improveinent over that of last week, with offorings of 64 cars for the two-day accumulation. Prices were barely steady for the best, and weak and lower for the poorer quality hay, light shipping orders and inquiry and limited city and suburban buying continued to depress the market. Flour and mill feed were also dull and prices on the average were 75g a barrel lower on carlot shipmenta. Brokers reported that buying was in hand-to-mouth quantities only for both flour and millfeed, and the same applied to corn goods and rye. CINCINNATI MARKETS.

Wheat---No. 1 red winter $1 19, No, 3. red winter $1 1701 18, No. 3 red winter $1 76, No. 4 red winter $1 71 01 74, No.

5 red winter $1 0701 f1. Corn--No. 3 white $1 14, No. white $1 10. No.

5 white $1 01 01 05, No. 6 white No. 3 yellow $1 12 $1 14, No. 4 yellow $1 0741 10, No. 5 vellow $1 05, No.

yellow 99c, No. $1 0901 11, No. 4 mixed $1 04 0 $1 06, No. 5 mixed 99e $1 03, No. 6 mixed 91 sample grade 750 900.

SalesAuction, one car No. 6 yellow, Ibs. 91 per cent moldy, 6 per cent damaged, $1 04. Ear Corn -Quotationa represent wound ear corn, free from rotten and damaged cars, nubbins and husks; yellow $1 20 8 $1 25, white $1 1501 20, mixed $1 15 $1 20. Ear corn showing soft or immature enra, husks, nubbins, or in such condition that it can not be guaranteed to out-ortown feeders, must be heavily discounted.

Oate -No. 2 white No. 3 white 481 4 No. white No. 3 mixed 48 49c.

No. 3 mixed No. 4 mixed 43 450. Rye--No. 2 rye $1 40271 42.

No. 3 rye $1 40, No. rye $1 33 01 28. MIll Feed--Quotations represent 100-16 RACkS: soft winter wheat bran $30 50431, hard winter wheat bran $30 standArd middlings $30 50 031. soft wheat middlings 50, gray hard middlings $35 35 50, mixed feed $32 50 33, No.

alfalfa meal $30, hominy feed $43 50 0 044. Yesterday's Grain Inspection. Representing Carloads. Nos. 3 6 6 Sap.

Wheat CornWhite Tellow Mixed 01 Barley Ear Corn--White 1 Hay--Fresh receipta 14 care, plug track 64 care, In terminals 15 care, Nominal Hay Quotations. No. 1 timothy $17 $18 No. 2 timothy 15 50 20 16 00 No. 3 timothy 13 00 14 50 Threshed timethy 50 10 50 No grade 8 00 10 00 No.

heavy 000 15 60 No. 1 light 15 50 40 16 80 No. 1 clover -mixed 14 50 16 No. No grade clover clover -mixed 12 10 60 00 a 13 11 50. No.

clover 15 00 16 00 No. 2 clover 11 00 4 4 4 4 14 00 No grade clover 8 00 10 00 No. 1 2d cutting 31.00 0 23 00 No. 2 2d cutting 17 00 6. 19 No.

1 firat cutting 16 00 16 00 No. first cutting 13 00 15 00 Sound sample grassy 9 11 00 Wheat straw 8 50 4 10 00 Dats straw 8 50 9 50 Rye straw 13 00: 14.00 00 Sales: Timothy: 1 car $18, car $16 75, 2 cars $16 50, 1 car $15 25, 1 car $15, CAT $14, 1 cAr 11. Timothy and clovermixed: 1 cAr $16. car $15 50, 1 car $14 50, 1 CAr $12. Clover and clovermixed: 1 car $1450, 1 car $13 50.

Cloveranixed: 1 car $16, 1 car $15 50, 1 car $15, car $11. Clover: 1 car $16, 1 car $13 75, car $13 50. Timothy and crassea: 1 car $14 50. Groceries. Flour--All prices quoted on baals of lb cotton macke: winter patent $9 350 9 76.

winter straighte $8 50 9, winter clears $7 007 50, spring patent $9 2009 65, spring bakers $8 09. Kansas hard winter $9 15 (09 65, KAnARA hard straight 1808 50, Kansas hard clear $701 25; corn flour 100 Iba sacks Included $2 00 80. Rye--Northwest blond $8 50, rye city pure $8 26, do city blond $8 35. Coffee JAVA Mocha $4 Rio prime 96 1 0 kood 36 Guatemala fancy 33 34c. do good 31 a 26 fair 25 low fair 254 00 ordinary 0 24 good ordinary 25 low ordinary strictly Rood common 26 Santos prime 294 fair.

Santos 0 ordinary 24 good ordinary 270, low ordinary 26 Sugar -Eastern refined cane granulated per 100 $6 86, powdered $7 56 4 $7 76. light yellow a per $6 30 beet Rugar $6 55 0 6 60. Rice---Extra fancy head fancy Recondhand Blue Rose broken Japan c. 610700 firat-out choice to extra choice 40 Molasses--New Orleans fancy first kettle choice seconds 33 350, blackstrap sorghum 80 89. Tea--Oolong 46 850, Bouchong 50 550, English breakfast b00 $1 20.

Provisions. Pork---Per brl: mess $34 60 36. clear $32 0 33, clear family $36 037, Jowl been poric $29 30, plate beet $32 60 9 23 50, extra plate $22 50 25. 50. Lard In Tierces- steam $16 450 04 $16 56, family lard $17 25.

short clear $21 0 21 60, short clear Dry-Salted Meats -Per 100 Iba: extra 121 50, short ribs $19 0 21 50, belites $21 60 0 24. Emoked Meats -Per 100 Ibe: bacon short clear 60 24, short ribe $21 60 0 24, extra short clear $23 50 24, bellies $24 0 $26 60. Sugar- Cured Meats -Hams $25 28, piefast bacon $26 al 29, York cut $18 $17 18 50, shoulders $11 0 18 60, break019 50, dried beet hama $38 Sweet -Plekled Meats--Hama in tierces 2.44 $22 4 24, plenica $15 9 16, shoulders $13 75 (015 50, New York cut $14015, bellies In tierces $33 26. Green Meats- Loose per 100 lbs: bacon $24 0 24, picnics $1401 50, shoulders $14 017, short ribs $18019, short clear sides 19, extra short clears $18 19, light bellies $240 27, heavies $230 25. Iron, Coal and co*ke.

PIg Iron and co*ke, Car -No. Southern foundry tron, silicon 1.76 0 3.26, $20 50 0 22; Birmingham freigh. to natl $405; Southern Ohio No. 9 foundry iron, silicon 1.76 0 2.25, 422 0 23; Ironton freight to Cincinnati $277, No. 2 valley toundry iron, silleon 1.76 4 2.25, 22 0 23 valley furnace; No.

2 Cleveland Iron, 111- 1.76 00 2.26, $23 24 Cleveland furnace; 78-82 per cent fetto manganese $116, American Seaboard firat and second quarters 1926 shipments co*ke quotations: Connellsville furnace $3 76 4 75, Connellsville foundry 76 0 50, Wise County furnace $4 4 00, Wise County foundry $5 2 6 60. Steel -quarter prices: No. 10 guage base blue annealed steel sheets $2 50 cwt, No, 28 guage base one pass cold rolled steel sheets $3 76 cwt, do flat calvanized same $4 86 ewt. All prices basis b. Pittaburg.

Coal by the Ton. Retall bituminous lump $6, but and slack $460, run smokeless of mine $5 25 0 5 50, double-screened lump $7 50 8, -screened lump $0 50 7 nut and slack $5, run of $606 60, anthracite $16, co*ke, mine mestic and ex: $10 50. Food Products. Beans--Car lots 100-lb sacks: navy $6 80, red kidney $10 90, marrowfat he $9 C5, lima $15, pintos $7 76. Cheese New York sharp 28 34c, do mild 18 240, Ohio 26 00 28c, Wisconsin daisies 26 290, Northwestern longhorn 27 30c, Swiss loaf 42 9 460, do foreign 66 60e, Now York Limburger 27 36c biock, ery special 21c, creamery 21c, brick 24 26c.

Butter--In tubs, wholesale: centralized firata according to scores: commoti scores 3 4c, in printa, wholediscounted sale 460 480, jobbera' basis 48 0 61c; fancy dairy rolls 27e; packing stock, No. 1 250, No. 2 16e, butter fat 39 0 120. Exg3-Extra frata 28 0 29c, firsts ordinary 270 27 seconds 251 260, near-by ungraded a Ball--Ohio Itiver add nanawha per bri 250 lbs $2 47. standard granulated $2, standard medium $260, table and dairy $3 20, rock salt per ton $19.

Borghum--Gallon 70 4 80c. Peanuts- -Virginia Jumbo raw 1b extras fancy -picked Virginia extra large shelled No. 1 lle, No. 2 Spanish No. 1 No.

2 8 1 0 8 Georgia- No. 1 3 No. 0 runners No. No. La Fresh Fish Fresh dressed Canadian white fish 30c, Lake Erie herring 150, roe shad 50c, buck shad 35c, catfish dressed 256 buffalo 160, blue salinon dressed 180, redsnapper 25c, halibut 28c, No, 1 yellow pike 30c, peeled shrimp 33 gal, lake base 20c, Spanish mackerel 60c, jumbo frogs $460 doz, standard oysters $2 60, selects $3, counta $3 50, shell oysters, Blue Point $190 per 100 Rockaway $3 per 100.

Calves--Selected 130, choice common 54 8c. Lambs Spring yearlings Live 3 lbs and over 360, do over 2 lbs 35c, brotiers lbs and over 400, Leghorns and black 2 1De and over 230, do Ib8 and over 930. roasting chickens 4 1bs and over 32c, fowla 5 109 and over 14c, do 1bs and over Pic, do under 4 24c, roosters 16c, young stags 240, ducks white lug and over -20, 40 under 4 lbs 240, do colored 4 lbs and over 24e, under 4 lbs 21c; turkeys, old toms 10 lbs and over 33c; young tome 10 lbs and over 350, crooked breasted 20e, hens 8 1ba and over 380, cull turkeys 10c; geese as to quality, young choice 16c, medium old 8 0 old guineas 14e lb, young 1ba and over 14c, do and over lie; old pigeons $1 75 per doz, squabs No. 43 doz. No.

$1 50 doz. capons 8 109 and Dressed Poultry- -Fowls large undrawn over 400, under 10 lbs 30 35c. 360, do 3oc, towis medium undrawn 31c, do full-drawn 36c, fowls small undrawn 28e, co*cka undrawn do fulldrawn 28c, roasting chickene 1 bs and over undrawn 39c, fryers 3 lbs and over 39c. do 2 the and over 39c, broilers under 2 Ibm 46c; new crop ducks 390, geese. 310, turkeys young dry -picked 45 600, ed 500, capons, undrawu 40 General Merchandise.

white goose dry -picked 90c, good average white 75c. large gray 65c. scalued gray 55c, long goose quill 65c, pure white duck 65c, stained and scalded white 66c, dark 45c, dark scalded 40c. neu body all white (dry- -picked) 160, dark 6c, rooster tails long fancy $1, turkey body all white dark 10c. wings and pointers with Shorts 13c, skirts 20, tails dark no skirte 30c, do with akirta 200.

Hides--Green salted No. 1 9c, No, 2 80, green butcher bull horse hides No. 1 large $3, do No. 2 large $2, do salt 8160, glue and pony $1, colts green calfskina 12 4 13c. -Kerosene 15c.

tank wagon 11c, service station special grade 19c, gasoline from tank wagons gai, from service station naphtha tank wagon delivery gal lots lard oil No. 1 summer test 85 90c, cottonseed oil per lb. Painters' Supplies Linseed oil jobber basin le98 carloads 10 1ba and up raw In brl lots $1 13 gal, bolled 3c higher. Turpentino in 2-bri lots 095c, single lots 96 in 16 to 25 gal lots $1 0841 10. In 16 to 25 gal lots $10701 09.

White and red lead in 100-lh to 500-lb kegs 16c, lots of 500 iba to 1 ton less 10 per cent discount, ton or inore 10 per cent and per cent off, basis single delivery. Seeds -Clover: on arrival $16 g19. from store $19 50 22 bush. Timothy: on arrival $2 25 0 2 15, from store $2 90 3 26. seed on arrival $3 80, from store $4 4 25.

Buckwheat: on arrival $1 10 0 1 20, from store $1 20 0 01 40. Hungarian: from store per bush $2 26 2 50. Tennessee German millet: from store per bush $3 25. Western German millet: from store per bush $2 60 3. Wool--Ohio fleece, greasy, Columbus pool basis: fine unwashed combings and braid 40 42c, do and clothing 14 450 do merino 42 tub- wadhed choice 60 65c, do coarse 46 480, fine clothing 60c, half blood clothing 43c, quarter and three eighths blood clothing 470 48c, common aL braid 40641c, burry and cota 36 30c, pulled wool do combing 50 65c.

Tallow- -Prime city No. per lb do country do grease brown yellow 0 white Fruits and Vegetables. Prices based on sales reported to the United States Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Wholesale by receivers to jobbers and retailers. Sales from 3 p.

m. Saturday to 9:00 a. m. Monday. Apples -Market steady; barrela: New York, A-24-In.

Greeninga $5 5 26, in. Baldwins, $6 Baldwins $626 50. Maine: unclassified Baluwins $6 60 Bul. baskets: New York in. up, Greenings $2 20 is 2 25.

Artichoke--Market steady: California, boxes, Green Globe $607, poor lower. Beans--Market steady; 6028. Florida: bu hampers, Beets- Market steady on rood stock: track mules: Texas, bu. bunched $1 260 $1 60, some poor. tops decayed.

low A8 50c, Louisiana, barrels, bunched $5. Brussels Sprouts--California, repacked, per quart 25 Cabbage--Market dull on old stock; now stock steady; track aales: New York, bulk per ton, Danish type, best around $20; some very large lower. Texas: bulk per ton, New Fork, flat type, best mostly $45 Florida, bu. hampers, new stock, Copenhagen and pointed type $1 35 50. Carrots -Market steady: track sales: Texas, bu, bunched $1 1 60.

Cauliflower--Market ateady on good stock; track sales, California, condtion crates, best mostly $2 75, Market por to fair Celery firm; track sales: Morida, 10-In. crates in the rough 48 and 68, beat mostly 50, poorer low $3 25, 38 mostly round $3, and 10s $2 75 $3 25. Cucumbers--Indiana hothouse, cases of dozen -Market steady; Florida, crates, $3 50 0 04 50. Kali--Market steady; track sales $1 90 01 26. Kumquats--Florida, per quart according to quality.

Lettuce--market steady on good stock. track sales, California, erates, Iceberg type, $4 50 $3 15, few fancy high $2 50 2 75. Leeks barrais 600750 per dozen bunches. -Pennsylvania, Ohio, 8-15. baskets $1 60, few higher.

Mustard -Market $364. steady; track sales: Louisiana, barrels Onions- -Market steady: track sales: Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, 100-ih RACks. yelow varieties U. 6. No.

$2 60 1 15, U. 8. No. 1, 14-in. min.

$2 500 76, some small, very poor, lower. Pens--Market barely steady: track sales: Mexican, crates 45 lbs telephones $7. Peppers -market firm, Florida, crates, fancy $70 1 50, some lower, choice $4 60 $5, poor, lower. Potatoes -Market steady: track antes: Minnesota- -North Dakota 120-lh macka Red River Early Ohios. United States No.

1. $2 2 20: Michigan- Wisconsin 150-1b BAckA round whites, United States No. 1, $1 85 09: Florida double head brie, Spaulding Rose No. 1, mostly $12; bush hampers and bush crates Bliss Triumpha No. 1 25.

50 doz 76: Salsify- 3 26; 3 THE ENQUIRER, CINCINNATI, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1925 Co. Co. City and Radishes -Market shout steady: Flori-1 da -Louisiana bris, Long ited 0 20g per bunches. Rhubarb- Michigan hothouse, 6-1b car- toons, 95c 81, poor lower. Ohio bria bunched, per doz bunches.

Shallots -Louisiana brin, 45 0 0600 per doz bunches, Spinach Market steady; track antes: Texas bush. Savoy type, 68 860. Strawberries Market elightly weaker; Florida express pouy refrigerators, 65 00 600 per quart. Sweet Potatoes -Market elightly stronger; track enlea: Tennessee bush hampers and bush baskets, Nancy Hails, $2 65 $2 Alabama bush hampers and bush baskets, Porto Ricos. $2 0 15: New Jer2 Bey bush boxes.

yellow varieties, k1tndried, $3 0 New Jersey bush hampers, seed stock, yellow varieties, $2 75. Tomatoes -Market steady on good ripe stock; track sales. Florida 6-basket carPiers, fancy count $40 4 50, poor lower; choice count, $3, poor lower. Turnips -Market steady, Louisiana bris, bunched, $32 50. Watercress -Southern bris, 30 0350 per doz bunches.

THE RIVER. RIVER STAGES. STATIONE Lock 7 12.5 0 14.6 0.3 Ivanhoe 2.4 0.5 Radford. Narrows. K'awha Falls Williamson.

Dayton. Beattyville. 1 0 Terre Hsute, 18 3 0. .11.1 0.4 Chattanooga. 0.2 0 3.6 0.1 Kenkuk.

3.9 0.5 Omaha. 9.3 02 Kansas City. 10.3 0.5 St. Louis 13.0 Little 1.7 0.1 River Forecast. 2.1 Damn 37.

2.1 Pittaburg. 11.1 Dam 8 12.4 0.4 Dam 13, 18.4 0,2 Parkereburg 14.40 0.4 Pt. Plessant. 16.8 0 Dam 26 19.3 0.8 Dam 28. 18.8 0 5.

Dam 29 22.4 0.9 Dam 31. 22 Dam 33.. 21.8 1.5 Dam 35. .19.1 1 Dam 38 .22.2 Dam 39 .21.3 3.0 .11.2 0 8 Darn 41. 28.1 3.7 Evansville 20.2 2.

Shawneetown19.5 2.0 Paducah. .16.4 0.5 Cairo. .24.70.8 Memphis 16.2 Helena. 1.0 Vicksburg 29 New Orleane Cincinnati. Ohio, March -The Ohio River, from the mouth of the Kanewha to the mouth of the Kentucky, will not change much Tuesday, W.

C. Devereaux. Weather unsettled. River 28.5 feet and rising. Business good.

Arrivals. The Reamer Betsy Ann, from Pittaburg: John Hubbard, from Louteville; steamer Tom Greene, from Charleston. Departures. The steamer Tom Greene leaves the foot of Sycamore street at 6 p. mn.

today for Pomeroy and pointe: steamer Betsy Ann leaves the foot Main street at 6 p. m. today for Pitteburg and way points; seamer John W. Hubbard leaves the foot of Main street at 6 p. in.

today for Louisville and way points. TELEGRAPHIC. SPECIAL DISPATCHES TO ENQUIRER. March The packet Liberty left tonight for Wheeling. Stares: Point Bridge, 8.3 feet and stationary; Lock No.

2, 6.3 feet And stationary; Beaver Dam, 7.6 feet and stationary, wickets up. W. March 10 feet and rising. The Helen 1n from Matamoras at 6 p. m.

Marietta, Ohio, March 14.5 feet and failing. The Rainbow up noon. Point Pleasant, W. March River 16.4 feet and falling. Dam No.

20, 6 feet lower: channel gauge 19 feet and falling. The transporter from Steubenville, 4:15 B. the Betsy Ann from Pitteburg to Cincinnati, 6:30 I. 01.: the wood from Cincinnati to Charleston, 10:26 a. 10.

Gallipolls, Ohio, March 19.5 feet and falling. The Greenwood up for Charleston; the Betsy Ann down for Cincinnati. Huntington, W. March 16, The 18.9 feet and stationary. The Sally The Conqueror, Betsy Ann down.

Marmet, General Wood, Greenwood up; Charleston, W. March Great Kanawha 1.3 feet pool stage. The Sinith moving up. Portamouth, Ohio, Maroh 23.2 feet and stationary. The Tom Green parted for Cincinnat! at 6 a.

in. The General Wood up for Pittsburg at TIL The Betsy Ann down at 4 p. m. The Julius Fielschmann up with empties at 6 a. It.

Madison, March gauge here 33.3 feet and rising Loutsville, March -Stages of the Ohio River: Upper gauge, 11.2 feet; below the locks, 30 feet; rising. March 21,2 feet and rising. The Warloto from above: the Bay Queen to Paducah; the Evansville to Bowling Green. Paducah, March reads 16.6 feet, a rise of five tenths foot In 24 hours. Arrived: The Aliquippa paased up the river this morning from Memphis on her way to Pittsburg: the John Barrett from Caseyville to Cairo with two of coal.

Boata due: The Grace Devers from Naahville; the Robert Rhea from Waterloo, Ala bama. Cairo, 111., March -Gauge reads 24.1 feet, a rise of six tenths in 24 hours. Ar. rived: the Minnesota with six empty barges: the John Barrett with four barges coal and one barge stone from upper Ohio; no departures, 6t. Louis, March of the river 13 feet, fall of four tenths foot.

Memphis, March 15.2 feet, fall of 1.3 feet. Arrivals, none. Departures: The Verne Swain to Caruthersville; the Harry Lee to Friars Point. Vicksburg, March -Gauge reada 29. feet, a fall of 1.1 feet in the past 24 hours.

WEALTH of City Is Disclosed in Annual Report of City Auditor Made To Council. That the city owns property eatimated at $155,761,886.92 and that it has cash and investments in Its sink ing fund aggregating $26.248.799.56 for the redemption of outstanding bonds was disclosed yesterday when City Auditor Alfred Deckebach submitted his annual report for 1924 to the Mayor and City Counell. The sinking fund represents Investments made by the Trustees from annual tax levies over a period or years and which will be applied to the redemption of the bonds as soon 88 they become due. The report also shows that the total receipts for the year were 829,282.47, of which $4,322,677.14 was from taxes, and $2,201,317.90 represents waterworks receipts. The expenditures aggregated $8.726,351.66 for the year, and $2,401,130.19 was expended by tho waterworks.

IMMIGRATION BACKFIRE. Tokyo, March alien land law was passed by the House of Peers today. The low liberalizes conditions under which foreigners may obtain land in Japan and bars from land ownership eltizena of countries in which Japanese are prohibited owning land 100,000 3.02 for CITY BIDS RECEIVED. Treasurer Opens Proposals For De- posits From Various Banks. The following bids were received yesterday by Treasurer Alexander Patterson for city deposita for two yeara, beginning March 31: CHECKING ACCOUNT.

Atlas National $1,000,000 8.11 The Bank of Commerce and Trust Company 100.000 3.10 The Provident Savings Bank and Trust 1.000,000 The Second National Bank. 500.000 2.58 The Columbia Bank and Savings Co, 160,000 3.00 The Filth- Third National Bank 1,000,000 8.11 INACTIVE ACCOUNT. The Oakley Bank 100.000 4.33 First National of Mt. WashThe Ington, Oakley Bank 100,000 16,000 4.56 Ohio The Norwood Savings Bank 300,000 The Oakley Bank The Peoples' Bank and Save Inge Company 100.000 4.00 The First National Bank of Norwood 100,000 3.98 of The First National Bank Norwood 100,000 8.88 The First National Bank of Norwood 100,000 2.78 The Firmt National Bank 15,000 8,75 of Mt. The Peoples' Bank and Hav.

3.16 Ings Company 100,000 The First National Bank of Norwood 200,000 The Pearl-Market 300,000 The Southern Ohio Bavings Trust $50,000 3.51 Bank and The Bank of Commerce and Trust 100.000 3.60 The Citizens Bank of St. 83,000 8.50 Bernard The Cincinnati Bank and Trust Co. 100,000 3,41 The Southern Ohio Ravings Bank and Trust 150,000 3.41 The Cincinnati Bank and 60,000 3.31 Trust The Western Bank and 350,000 3.33 Trust Co. The Cincinnati Bank and Trust Co. 60,000 8.31 Bank.

26.000 2.30 The Sharonville The First National Bank of Mt. Healthy 60,000 The Second National Bani 200.000 3.28 The Pearl- -Market 160.000 The ML Healthy Bavings 26,000 3.26 Bank The Norwood National Bank 100.000 3.35 The Provident Savings Bank and Trust 600.000 3.26 The Guarantee Bank and 50,000 3.25 Trust Co. The Western Bank The lyde Park Trunt Co. 250.000 100.000 30 The Lincoln National Bank 200,000 3.17 The Western Bank and Trust Co. 250.000 The Atlas National Bank.

250.000 3,12 The Lincoln National Bank 200.000 3.12 The Second National Bank 200,000 3.08 The Lincoln National Bank 200.000 2,07 The Western Bank and Trust Co. 250.000 3.08 The Union Trust Company 600.000 3.03 The Cosmopolitan Bank and Trust Co. 200.000 3.02 The Pearl-Market Bank. 150,000 3.0% The Atlan National Bank. 250,900 3.01 The Columbia Bank and 150.000 3.00 Savings Co.

Atlas National Bank. 100,000 2.98 The Cosmopolitan Bank and Trust Co. :00.000 2.85 The Union Trust 500,000 2.81 The Third National Bank 1.000.000 2.81 The Second National Bank 200,000 The Brotherhood of Railway Clerks Nat'l 250,000 2.78 The Cosmopolitan Bank and Trust Co. 1,000,000 2.62 The Citizens National Bank and Trust Co. 1,000.000 The Second National Bank 200.000 OUTLOOK IS HOPEFUL.

J. M. Farrell Is Optimistic About Foreign Trade. New York. March foreign traders have seldom, if ever, faced a more hopeful outlook," James M.

Farrell, Chairman of the National Foreign Trade Council, said today in his call for the twelfth national Foreign Trade Convention to be held at Seattle June 24, 25 and 26. Delegations of business men from China, Japan, India, Straits Settlementa, Dutch East Indies and the Philippines will attend the convention the result of an Oriental tour of committee of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, inviting them to come. American business men will discuss in a series of group conferences, practical phases of foreign trade in the DEATHS. ANDERSON Maria B. son, at her residence, The Lombardy 822 W.

Fourth Saturday, March 14. 1925. Remains Wiltsee's chapel, 24 W. Ninth et. Funeral services at the Street Baptist Church.

Tuesday, at 2 p. m. Members of the Queen City Circle No. 19, Ladies of the Grand Army, please attend. papers please DREES- George Dreea, beloved hus.

band of the late Bernadine Dreee (nee Kraemer), Monday, March 16, 1926, nt 5 at his residence, 1144 Dayton In his 90th year. Due notice of funeral. FISCHER--John Fischer, suddenly, March 15, 1925, in his year. Funeral services at the reeldence of his cousin, Louis Fiucher. 1029 Evans Tuesday, March 17, at 2 p.

m. FLINN--Edgar Flinn. Sunday, March 15, 1925. at Bethesda Medical Hospital, aged 86 years. Funeral from Armstrong chapel, Indian Hill, on Tuesday at 2:30 p.

m. GROENIGER PIEPER Anna E. Groeniger-Pleper passed away suddenly, Saturday evening, at the residence, 666 Glenwood dale. Funeral from late residence, Tuesday, March 17, at 2 p. m.

HOFFMANN-Louis Hoffmann, beloved husband of Karoline Hoffmann (nee Weldner), Saturday, March 14, 1925, at residence, Queen City av. and Bogen aged 72 years. Funeral from the late realdence, Tuesday, 2 p. m. KAHN-Hattie Kahn, of Wapakoneta, Ohio, widow of Leon Kahn, denly, March 16, in her 58th year.

Funeral services at the chapel of the United Jewish Cemetery, on Wednesday, March 18, at 3 p. m. KOEGEL--George brother Koegel, 14, 1925, beloved of sopra. Tecla and Lillian Koegel, At residence, 808 E. Seventh Newport, Ky.

Services at residence, Tuesday, 2 p. m. Interment Evergreen Cemetery. LANGLEY--Ida M. Langley, beloved daughter of Charles and the late Ida Fuldner Langley and sister of Emma and Norma Langley and Mrs.

Laura Haub, Saturday, March 14, 1935. at 12 D. m. Funeral services at residence, 459 Riddle road, Wednesday, March 18, at 2:30 p.m. LYKIN Charles Lykins, beloved husband of Mabel Lykins (nee Martin), his residence, 823 Fourth Dayton, Ky, aged 35 years.

Due notice of funeral. MANLOVE Harry, T. Manlove, beloved husband Zella Bryant Manlove, at his home, 14 E. TwentyAfth Covington. Monday, March 16, 1925.

Funeral from late residence Thursday, March 19, at 10 a. m. Interment Highland Cemetery. Charles J. McGinnis, son of the late Matthew and Delia Ginnis (nee Stanton), passed away Sunday.

March 15, nt 8 a. in his 37th year. Funeral from late residence, 2831 Shaffer A 18, at Westwood, Wednesday, March St. 8 A. m.

Requiem high mass at erine's Church at 8:30 a. m. Mel.AUGHLIN beloved Owen husband Eugene of Mamie MoLaughlin (nee Benson), passed Away from Sunday, the March late 15, residence, 1925. Fu- 132 neral W. Fourth Newport, Wednesday, at 8:30 a.

of m. Immaculate Requiem high Church Conception, 9 A. MORGAN William Morgan, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.

8. Davis, Monday, March 16. 1926, at the residence. Crown Norwood, Funeral Wednesday, March Johnson's at p. from W.

Mack funeral home, McMillan and Upland place. MOORE-Rev. William R. Moore, Wa, ne Woodlawn. Sunday, March 16, 1925, In his 73d year.

Funeral 5 services at the residence, Pittsburg, Tuesday, at Pens. p. m. ferment of CLASSIFIED ADVERTIsem*nTS THE ENQUIRER IS THE MEDIUM Through Which the General Public Can Always Have Its Wants Supplied. Advertisers should remember that letters directed to Initials ONLY are not dellyered through the postoffice.

If InitiniA Are used they should be addressed in the care 01 some person or firm or postoffice box. THE ENQUIRER will forward mall dressed in its care when postage for that purpose la furnished. Answers for advertisers will be held two weeks after date of Arst Insertion. THE ENQUIRER cannot assume responsibility to care for uncalled -for letters after that period. THE ENQUIRER will not be for more than one insertion of responsible Incorrect an advertisem*nt in these columns.

Notice strors, typographical or otherwise, must be given in time correction before next Insertion. Cash receipta mast be presented with claima for ndjurtment. THE ENQUIRER the right to change the style of type in ite classified reserves when conditions make it neces- THE ENQUIRER reserves the right to cinesify under their proper headings. Closing time for classifed advertisem*ntal Saturday 3:00 p. tr.

Other days 8:30 p. m. Advertisem*nts call be left at our omice or sent through the mails to 617 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Phone Canal 2700. COVINGTON OFFICE: 11 West Sixth Street, Phone Cov. 2400.

NEWPORT OFFICE: 330 York Street. Cov. 2401. THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER. Office, 617 Vine Street, CINCINNATI Orient.

The general object of the vention will be to devise means whereby American business men can continue to secure a permanent increase in American foreign trade. Pointing out that last year forelgn trade of the United States showed Its greatest volume, Mr. Farrell said: "There is a new assurance of bility and progress in Europe, There is Increasing activities in the countries across the Pacino as well as in South America and other overseas markets. DEATHS. husband of J.

Muench, beloved Muench (nee the late Josephine duy, Muren 16, Schwemberger), Monhis AL In year. Funeral from Paul Huth Clifton funeral home, the 430 Ludlow Wednesday, Mach 18, at m. Requiem high' mass George's Church at 8:30 A. at St m. -Lesetta Ording (nee beloved wile of the late Coora) At her Haroid OrdBellevue.

Ky, aged 67 131 Eden a residence, notice of funeral. years. Due of Mrs. Theresa J. Parnell, mother idence, 2997 at her Gruner.

Gilbert in her year. Services at W. 93d funeral home, Gilbert D. Jaco*cks cust av. and Wednesday, March 2:30 p.

m. 18, at PARIS- Carlton W. Paris, the late Batie Roll of husband March 14, 1925, at Paris, his Saturday, 4216 Delaney Northside, residence, services at the Funeral March 17, at 2 p. Tuesday, residence, m. REINHOLD Christina widow of Henry Reinhold.

of Bellevue, Reinhold, formerly Marco 16, 9 14. Burial at a. at California. Alhambra, ROSENBERG--Theodore brother E. Rosenof Mra.

berg, Kaufman, at his Samuel and Isaac Rosenton Avondale, residence, in 811 LexingServices At the his 60th year, Jewish Cemetery, chapel United Tuesday, March at 2:30 Hills, Walnut p. m. ROSS- -Caroline widow of Shipley Arthur Ross W. Ross. (nee Bonsall), services Saturday, March the 14, residence, 1925.

Funeral nut Wyoming, 15 Wal2 D. Ohio, Tuesday at lict of Schulz, reReichert day, March Schulz, SunFerdinand year. Funeral 15, 1925, in her 85th dence of realservices at Edward her Weasel, 650 granddaughter, Maple Mra. 8. m.

Wednesday, March 18, 1925, at 11 Riddle Scully, Sr, at his residence, Monday, March road 16, and in his Clifton year. Due notice of funeral. Tad loved husband F. Terrell, beTERRELL-; of Sarah at 11:15 p. Saturday, March 14.

(nee Cramton), Si Terrell Albany In him the 75th residence, 54 neral from the Paul Huth year. funeral home, 430 Ludlow Clifton ton, Tuesday, March 17. Clifp. etery. m.

Burial at Spring Grove Comat 2:30 (Ohio) papers please and Blanchester WAGNER Eva Viola Schwallie). beloved wife Wagner of Ralph (nee A. 4 Wagner, Monday, at 8. m. Funeral from March 16, 1925.

of her father, Fred residence Cameron Wednesday Norwood, Ohio, Schwallle, 2119 on at 2 p. m. W. MACK JOHNSON FUNERAL HOME Woodburn 418. McMillan and Upland PI.


413 MeMilian Weedburn 133. Broadway. Main 1600-1601 THE BUSSE BORGMANN CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 1517 Freeman Av. Three Chapels.

Nonsecturiau; uo charge, Phone W. 1895. Sanitary, Aesthetio, Modern Cremation Cin'ti nion Central Cremation Bidg. M. 519 Free Booklet.

Free Chapel, JULIUS BAER FLORAL DESIGNS FOURTH ST CAST LODGE NOTICE. SCOTTISH RITE- -Brethren of the Rite are requested to attend the funeral of our late Brother, THEODORE E. ROSENBERG, 32 Services at the United Jewish Cemetery chapel, today At 2:30 p. m. GEORGE T.


Steamers Kentucky and John W. Hub. bard leave wharfhoat, foot of Main street, for Loulsville and way pointe nt 5 p. m. every week day except Saturday, and oti Sunday at a.

m. Phones Main 1897 and Main 4759. UPPER OHIO. GREENE LINE Steamer Tom Greene leaven Tuesday, March at 6 for 111., from Portsmouth. the Greene Line wharfboat, Ironton, Ashland, Huntington, Gallipolis.

Pomeroy and Intermediate points. Telephone Main 1457. PITTSBURG, WHEELING COMPANY. AND NATI PACKET Steamer Betsy Ann leaven L. And wharfboat, foot of Main street, Tueaday, March 17.

At 5 p. for Parkersburg. Marietta, Moundaville Bellaire, Wheeling, Steubenville, East Liverpool, Rochester, Pittaburg and ail points above Racine, Phones Main 4762 and Mala 1801. C. or in 9 REAL ESTATE -1-12.

For Sale. 5. Factories and Bulling For Factories and Bidgs. For Rent Lots For Male. Real Estate For D.

Real Estate Wanted. 10. Farms For Sale, 11. Farma For Kent. Lonna on Real Estate.

HELP WANTED-13-20. 13. Male Help 14. Salesmen Wanted. 13.

Female Help Wanted. 16. Help, Male- Female. Situations Wanted--Male. Wanted19, Trade Instructions.

20. Agents, Canvassers, Solicitors, MENTAL GROUP -21-46. 81. Flats- Apartments For Rent. 22.

la Wanted. g3. Furnished Flats-Apte. For Rem 24. Furnished Flats-Apte.

Wanted. tA. Furnished Fints For 25A. Furnished Coome For Rent. 25B.

Furnished Rooms Wanted. So. Booms For Kent. 21. Rooms Wanted.

2A. Rooms For With Board. co. Wanted, Roome With Bound. 30.

House For Kent. 31, Houses Wanted Te Rent. Furnished Houses For Kent. 3.3. Furnished Houses Wanted.

Otfice-Deskroom For Rent. 36. ice-Deskroom. 34. For Rent.

31. Stores Wanted To Rent. 38. Summer Cottages For Rent, 38A. Summer Camps For Sale.

30. Hun mer Cottages Wanted. 40. Summet Boarding Places. 41.

summer Bourd Wanted. 42. Factory Space For Rent. Factory Space Wanted. dA.

Garages Ganges Wanted. Rent or For Male. 45. Movers, Anto Express. 66.

Miscellaneous For Rent. SALE GROUP-47-66. Auction Sales. Boats and Accessories. 48.

Building Materials. 60. Business and Office Equipment 61. Farm and Dairy Producte. Fuel, Feed.

Fertilizers. 63. Home-Made Things. 64. Household Goods For Sale.

65. Jewelry, Watches, ends Machinery and Tools. Miscellaneous For Hale. DR. Musical Merchandise.

Radio Equipment. 60. Plants, Flowers. Sewing Typewriters Machines For Rent For hate. 63.

Specials at the Stores. Wanted To Buy. Wearing Apparel- -Men. 66. Wearing ApparelLIVE STOCK-87-70.

Dogs, Cate, Pete. 68. Horses, Cattle, Vehieles. 69. Poultry and Supplies.

10. Wanted--Live Stock. FINANCIAL-71-74. 11. Basiness Opportunities.

Investments, Stocka, Beuda. Money To Loan--Mortgages. Wanted Te Borrow. PUBLIC NOTICES-75-87. Autos sud Trucks For Hire.

17. Business Notices. Educational. Lost and Fond. 80.

Moving. Trucking, Painting, Papering, Decorating. Personals. Professional Services, 84. Religious and Social Brents.

60. Repairing. 86. Services Offered. 81.

Wanted Business wriess AUTO GROUP-88-93. Antos For Sale, Motor Trucks For Male. 90. Tires and Accessories. 61.

and Bieyeles Wanted Automoblie. 93. Meter Boate. Houses Wanted. Country Homes For Male, Investment Property For Sale.

Houses For Sale. AVONDALE nome for large double family; bedrooma: 2 malde' rooms; a rage; near schools, churches and ping center. Avon 5245. Tuts AVONDALE A 10-room house: Ghoison can be converted into St. Louis apartments: large lot.

Avon 4499. 17 BELLEVUE AND DAYTON C. E. JOHNS, and Bellevue, Ky. 696.

BELLEVUE. KY. -See the OSCAR G. BAUMAN REALTY I you want to see your house. 8.

168 0020-troBu BELLEVUE, you want to buy or rent 8. house, call NAGEL GAISER. We can cult you. Office 8 642 X. Res, B.

6624 Y. BOND HILL -Attractive 1-floor plan: $8,500, Nor. 4960. CHARACTER BUILDING. Distinctive styles, perfect workmanship, finest matertals and prices set low R.S quality building will permit.

are not philanthropiats, but may SAVE you considerable worry and money: our plans and advice are at your disposal; call from you will be given prompt and courteous attention. RUSSELL M. 7176. 209-10 EDWARDS BLDG. Sunday and Eve, Wab, 6513 or Nor.

1696. mh8-tt CHEVIOT Brick. t-family; 2-car garage: $1,350. rison 480, mh14-3toSu CITY- N. E.

COR. THIRTEENTH AND Two stores, 26 rooms: will sell et bargain. For further particulars call MR. GREEN BERG, Canal 11. 21 CITY-10-room brick, arranged for 5 flier: rent 465 per month; price $5,600.

Must be sold. Main 5110. 21 CITY- 13th 18 rooms: electric and in side toilet; rent 8141: price $12,500. Call MR. GREENBERG, Canal 11.

13 estate era, sales, DA, rentals and manage mnent. 123 E. Fourth st. Main 61. my1-tt CLIFTON.

North of Ludlow Av. -Splendid -halt story single-family residence: four bedrooms and bath on second foor: two rooms and bath on third: Ane, large lot. 100-foot front, excellently located in regard to schools, price $17,500. WARREN R. WOODWARD, 802 Gerka Bidg.

Main 2304. CLIFTON -St. Louts, two 4-rm. flats, strictly modern, one square from CAr line. H.

FUNK, Realtor, West 4714. 21 CLIFTON HEIGHTS Preened brick; near St. Monica's Church: 3 frat, 3 second. 1 third; bath; Immediate posmosaion. AL HUGE, West 4534, 19 CLIFTON 4027-Eight-room brick for 2 familles; large lot; garage.

Call Main 3267. COLLEGE HILL- -New 6-room wire-cut brick; solarium; bullt-in features; In garage: strictly modern; on CAP line: $12.500. Park 2866. 18 COVINGTON, KY. The Ben A.

Adams Inc. OFFERS FOR BALE No. 135 West Robbins street. Price $7,500. Two-story flat, brick, metal roof, tour rooms each: room, de cellar, city water, toilets, sewer: lot 46x90 feet: two separate baths, hot water, separate porches, laundry, Kas heat, gas, electrio.

inquire. Ben A. Adams Company, Inc. Fifth and Madison Av. Covington, Ky, Covington $5 and 86.

Adama Bide. $1 COVINGTON-LUDLOW 3-rm. cottage, Short Taylor $2.150 5-rm, modern house, 605 Crescent Av. 3,900 5-rm. frame; garage; 10 Hooper 3,000 6-rm.

attic, modern; garage; 81 Park Avenue 5,500 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Ludlow, Ky. Phone South 103. COVINGTON Two-family brick house: rented for $40 month: 14,000: $1,000 cash. LOGAN H. FOSTER 432 Madison Covington, Ky, Phone Cov.

3952. :1 COVINGTON New four-room bungalow. with every convenience, ready to move Into; $500 down, balance as rent. Phone Cov. :36.

21 COVINGTON- 235 W. Robbin double dwelling. each side ham 3 rooma, city water, tollet; lot A x50 $2,600. JOHN R. BULLOCK CO.

Cov. 1220. COVINGTON, Stoner for har. in houses and farma. STONER WHEELER, 505 Madison ar.

Cov. 1827. 21 COVINGTON-New St. Louts, 1825 Madison, two 4-room flats: modern. STEINFORT Seventh and Madison.

Cor. 815. 21 COVINGTON-Seren-room brick: tile bath; gas; electric; cement collar; elate roof: steam heat. Cov. 1777 or Cov.

1649 L. 21 DAYTON, KY. 1220 Fifth 1 3-room frame; large lot; priced to sell. 8. 1840.

20 EART END- Delta 6 rooms and attic; bath, electric, cement cellar; 121x 130: $5,000. FaNt 919, 2443. 18 EVANSTON- off Montgomery road car line, In Anest location, close to churches and schools, this brick, with 50-ft. lot and garage, up to date every WAY, 19 to be sold at great Call now. Norwood 743.

18 EVANSTON-Six-room brick and rooms on third arranged for 2 familles; $9,850. Woodburn 6975, EVERY bullding operation on your home by 0110 organization means economy. WICKHAM CONSTRUCTION offers you tala saving. Main 6966. Houses For Sale.

FIVE ROOM tile bath. hardwood floore; owner has moved to Loulavtile, A your chance: In southsate. Ky. ADAM U. HAAS, South 1869.

FINE new bungalow: 6 rooms: $250 down, will exchange for, rooming house. CAMPBELL. 621 Main 0. Canal 7343, FT. beautiful, modern home; three-car corner lot, 100x 150.

CARTER SHAW. South 4717. mhi4-6todu VT. THOMAS, DIXIE PLACE- -One-floor brick bungalow; 6 large rooms: $10,500, Owner, H. 1090 Y.

mh14-6to8u HYDE PARK EAST. Attractive etucco home In tine location; has 3 bedrooms and tile bath on second floor; maid's room on third floor; price only enay terra PIPER PIPER, 2785 Erie av. Matt. $10 HYDE PARK. beautiful home of Swiss design, 10 rooms and large reception hall; many special features: hardwood floors: steam heat; 3-car garage; lot 100x191: shade trees and shrubbery; excellent location; shown by appointment A only, H.

C. STANFORTH co. Norwood 871. Norwood $176 1. 31 HYDE PARK- SOUTH.

LOOKOUT DRIVE, near HERSCHELL AV. REAL, BARGAINS EASY PAYMENTS. New houses now ready for occupancy; close to cara, schools and stores. MeLENNAN BROR. Main 3031.

40 Pickering Bide. 11 HYDE Kilgour eubo attractive fine location; large center hall, home six beautiful rooms, breakfast nook. Rookwood fireplace, tile bath, butlt-1n other special features. garage, large lot; Ph. OWNER, East 2464 R.

No agents. HIDE PARK -Beautiful new restuence, Subdivision near Enquirer Dream Kilgour Home. Six large rooms and solarium. Built-in garage; other modern features, IM I genuine bargain. Call Main 3103 for appointment or East 32.

Owner. 21 HYDE PARK--Erie At daybrook new 6-room strictly modern brick and shingle, butit-In garage; price $14.000: terma, A. R. GREEN. Avon 8134 Y.

tr HYDE PARK- Suburb: beautiful red brick, lot 50x150: near car lines; seen only by appointment. Phone mornInes between and 12 East 3096. 19 HYDE PARK Kilgour Rub. beautiful 7-room mod, premed brick, English deel go; garage; large lot; $21.000, Main 3929. Anal 3198.

mh17-6to8u HYDE PARK CAST--Beautiful St. Louis, 2 6-room entirely separate. T. A. COLLINS, 309 Prov.

Bank Bide. HYDE PARK- Auction Tuesday, 34, 3:30 p. 1224 Halpin: 6-rin. residence; lot 50x125. TURN, Auc't, Canal 2312.

HYDE FARE two-family house; modern; central location: good investment. Call NOR. 4102. HYDE Louis, tapestry brick, rooms, solarium: built-in tube, tile, fine Investment: terman Kawt 942. tto8u HYDE PARK--Attractive wire-cut brick; near 3-car built-in garage.

Terrace 7390 R. malt-6toSu LIST YOUR PROPERTY with us: real realty resulta. WEST END REALTY West 3847. mh14-stoSu LUDLOW. and lots In all parte of Ludlow and vicinity, E.

H. DAUGHERTY, 71 Elm Ludlow, Ky. Phone South 323; Sundays and evenings, Bouth 2171. 21 MT. AIRY -Beautiful country home, with every modern convenience; on main highway.

Park 2200. 1622 Chase Av. Tu MT. AUBURN- Brick, rooms. 4 bathe; $9,000, E.

MENEFEE 00.. Wabn. 6812-7070. REPUBLIO 9 A and room flats! all modern conveniences; large shop in rear Wdon 6424. 19 BIT.

AUBURN- Gerard 6-room, frame; 3 batha; $7,600. A. 1476. mh16-2tSuTu MT. WASHINGTON New 6-room frame; lot 50x180; garage: on bus line and traction; 2 porches, furnace, bath, electric and city water; laundry trays; price $5,800, JAS.

L. WALLS, 804 8t, Paul Bide. Main 930. Beechmont 7163. NEWPORT, KY -W.

Fifth brick. rooms: $1,000 cash, balance rent. 20 NORTHEIDE- Good location; new, 6-room wire-out brick house and etrictly modern; tile bath; lot 60x166, Call OWNER. Park 3093 17 -Buff brick, 1 or 1 family: roome; strictly modern; 3 garages; Ana condition. 1.

Park 2364. 19 NOR WOOD- -Duplex, modern: 4 rooms, re. ception hall and first floor; rooms and bath, second floor: 2 rooms on third; double garage; lot 60x160: good location. Price right. Phone Nor 2768 No agents 11 NORWOOD.

One-floor bungalow, close to care, schools, beautiful buff brick of 8 rooms: lot 80x150: easy terma. R. C. MARSHALIA Main 1394 or Wabn. 6859 NORWOOD WIll sacrifice 11-rm.

pressed brick. Nor. 1894. 11 NORWOOD-8500 cash: new 6t. Louts; four -room just one left; $35 a month of your money will carry this, Norwood 491 Y.

NORWOOD, SOUTH--St LOUIA 6-room flate: double garage; $10,500. JOHN E. MANTHEY, Norwood 6380-6117 I. tro8t NOR trame, with kitchenette; on car line: price $6,500. Wibn.

965 or Wabn. 1902 R. mh14-7to5u NORWOOD-New. 4-rin. Cal mod, h.

tile bath, garage; $1,000 down. Nor. 6745. NORWOOD-2-family trame; modern; arate bath: large lot: bargain. SCHNET ZER SWANGO.

Nor. 7785, Ja10-tt PLEASANT RIDGE--Kincaid road; well constructed and thoroughly modern home, In perfect condition, having cheerful bedrooms, tile bath, hard wood floors throughout, hot -water heat, In garage and many other qualities: the location la excellent and convenient to stores, schools and car line: Arat time offered and reasonably priced at $15,500. MOSSMAN BOWMAN, Realtors, Norwood 443. 21 PLEASANT RIDGE- This snappy brick semi with large lot, near bank corner, must be sold at once: no reasonable offer refused; Arst offer may take thin Norwood 615. 18 PRICE HILL-716 Mt.

Hope road, 13-room brick; 3 modern flats; 6-car garage; 9 beautiful lots; priced Canal 6443. Hiland 1091 PRICE HILL Dale bungalow rooms; all conveniences: lArge lot; $7,400. War. $669, War. 3946 eve.

mh11-6toSu PRICE modern low; $6,000. Warsaw 2406. 6071 tto80 PRICE br. rem, 10 lot 100x185: real home for large family; hot-water heat. War.

5992. PRICE HILL--Modern 6-room low. 395 Elberon AV. 19 SECOND MORTGAGES placed within 18 hours; bring your papers with you. THE CASEY REALTY CO.

Main 6. mh11-6toSu SOUTHGATE, rooms and kitchenette; $6,800. TERRACE PARK Residence, rooms and bath: sleeping porch, tile roof: large porches; modern conveniences: property extenda to river; 906 price $10,500. SPENCER M. JONES, Schmidt or Burnet House, 11 THREE brick houses for 60-fE lot.

Wood. 5263. WALNUT HILLS EAST Madison road, near Keys Crescent; large brick and stone residence in most clusive section of city; thoroughly ern and In perfect, condition; can be bought very reasonably, JOHN H. GARBER, Woodburn 1448 or Main 2213. 11 WALNUT HILLS Very desirable brick St.

Louis, rooms and reception hall and bath firat floor, same on second, on third; hot-water heat; price $21.000: be sure to see this PEEBLES CORNER REALTY Wdbrn. 6025. mh11-6toSu WALNUT HILLS -Beautiful 6-room galow, tile bath, hardwood throughout: corner lot, 55x110; double garage; $10,600. A. J.

HOFF Wabrn. 1. mh11-6to8u WALNUT HILLS. 2635 INGLESIDE-Ten minutes from Pee. blea Corner.

MODERN house: rooms; enrage, WANT OFFER. BLAINE FORBES, MAIN $43. te26-tt WARREN E. RICHARD8 A co, Bulld Satisfactory Homes, Ark the woman who lives in one mal7-6to 5u WEAT END Two stores and 42 roome: rent 1400 per price small amount of cash. Main 6822.

No. 400. 18 WESTWOOD Montana N. E. cor.

McFarlan, choice modern frame residence on fine corner: lot 65 by 195; close to churches and A WASHINGTON No. 8980, one square from Harrison choice modern stucco bungalow. Bargain WALTER J. MUNDORFF Phones: Main 1852 or Harrison 3916 R. WEST WOOD Schaffer 6-room modern frame; Food bargain: price $1,500 cash.


BRICK BUNGALOW One square from 8t. Francis de Sales corner; almost new; 6 rooms and solarium; cement porch. ROBERT F. EACK. 8630 Erie av.

East 1796. 21 WESTWOOD-7-room brick; modern; melect location; exceptionally well-built; lot 60x150; $11,000. Har. 627 R. 21 WM.

CLYDE, Realtor, 101 Mercantile Library 'Bide. Main 5380, 31 -Beech 6-room pr, brick WYOMING semibungalow: large living room; gain. Valley 773 or Main 43, ttoSu 709 W. THIRTY-THIRD 2- story; modern; bullt-In garage; $800 cash, balance $63 bungalow, too me modera; $600 down. Cov.

857. 21 Houses Wanted. HAVE client who want. St. Louts or bungalow In suburba.

McMAHAN, BUSAM TUCH, Main 7476. trodu HAVE $2,500 cash for home east of so, of Bixth, in Cov. 66, care Enquirer, Covington Branch. IP YOU are the owner of tenement or investment property and want to sell it for cash, address 120, care Enquirer. TuTh8n I WANT one or two-famtiy house in Curton, Corryville or Mt.

Auburn, cash; to agent considered. 90, Enquirer. 21 LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTY--We have cash buyers; quick deal assured. THE U. 8.

REALTY 703 Provident Bank Bldg. Canal 2826. MODERN house, near Bixty-eighth number rooms, price, and 93, Enquirer, 22 5 Factories and Buildings for sale. LEASE FOR LONG TERM. THE 1.

A. MARDORF REALTORS. 415 Provident Bank Bldg. Canal 866-866. 6 Rent or Lease BUILDING FOR year; Fire Exchange Fifth and Pike modern throughout; size 40x100, storten.

Apply 830 Wade st. mh7-tt CENTRAL between Freeman and Baymiller; rent, sell or lease; will remodel to please tenant; two fireproot bidgs. and four brick with cellars, For Information call West 838. B. SICKING.

21 FIFTH ST. No. $28 entire second floor, about 2,000 square feet, with heat and elevator service. See WALTER J. MUNDORFF, WM.


OR STORAGE; ELEVATOR: CHEAP RENT. 1425 PLUM ST. WEST 6331. 17 JACKSON 8T. 1107-09-Near boulevard.

floors; 6,400 sq. ft. to floor: sprinkler. heat, elevator: five-year lease. JACOB W.

WALTERS, 1814 First National. Main 76. 19 THREE sprinkled: 0,000 fire-proot concrete feet. build- 1000 square Glibert av, Jal8-SuTuThtt 33,000 6Q. FT, B.

AND O. R. R. -STORY brick building: railroad aiding for 3 cara: WILL SELL OR Lots For Sale. BARRINGTON the car line, beautiful Ft, Mitchell lots priced As low at $14 LIBERAL TERMS.

THE BIMRALL Coy. 187. 21 Lots; choice locations: various prices. CHARLES T. MacCONNELL.

Avon 6851. LAWN HILLS--On the Dixie; Iota 76x350: $160: on tine. A. E. FOSTER.

3 Pika Covington. Ky. PLEASANT RIDGE. GRAND VISTA ORCHARD HEIGHTS lots (100x175) In county, restricted to one-family residences: beautiful view and fine trees. WILL build in accordance with your ideas and finance.

FRANK A. ZIMMERMAN. REALTOR-CINCINNATI-NORWOOD. mh15-2t8uTu 8 Real Estate For Exchange. WILL, exchange section unimproved BrewCounty, Texas, land, Dear Rio Grande River, for good apartment house of business property; will assume remsonable indebtedness; my land clear and unincumbered: give full detail of offers In first letter.

C. 206 Scott BidE. Bluefield, W. Va. 0 Real Estate Wanted.

WE LOAN any amount of money and take second mortange op your property. RT. LOUIS MORTGAGE 830 Provident Bank Bidg. te2-tfoSu 10. Farms For Sale.

POOR MAN'S CHANCE $5 down. $5 monthly, buys 40 acres productive land, near town; some timber; price $200; other bargaine. Box 507 Carthage Mo. mh15-itSuTuThSa 126 houses, largo barn; 14 Or level land; $1,800, 2-3 down. G.

W. STA0GS, Garrison, via C. and 0. 40 A. LEVEL; good bidga: near State Highway: $500 down.

MR. YOUNG, 621 Main Canal 7343 37 A. -Good near Morrow, CAMPBELL, 621 Main. Canal 7343. 12 Loons on Real Estate.

large or amali. No obligation unless loan to made, PLATT BROTHERS 608 Dixie Terminal Bldg. Telephone Main 3106. mh1-tt Mortgage Loans MONEY IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE FOR Second Mortgages On city and suburban Improved rear estate for any purpose, such remodeling. new roofing.

additions to bulldings, adding garages, building driveways, spring painting or repairs of any kind. WE PURCHASE SECOND MORTGAGES. monthly payments arranged. COURTEOUS SERVICE AND QUICK ACTION ON ALL APPLICATIONS. Union Securities Co.

INCORPORATED. $19 GWYNNE 6TH MAIN STS. TELEPHONES CANAL 7665-7666. MONEY TO LOAN on city property, at lowest rates. CLENEAY NOUR8E, 152 E.

Fourth myl4-SuTuThtf REAL ESTATE LOANS $2,500 and Up In Greater Cincinnati. A LARGE SUPPLY for OF frat MONEY Immediately available mortgage loans on homes, apartments, business and Industrial property; 15-year loans with easy semi -annual repayments, Our pian allows 6 to 12 monthe before payments required on principal. Call at our office or write. Any amount handled, The Fred'k A. Schmidt Co.

te21-tt 18 Mule Help Wanted. ALWAYS SEE US FIRST. Salesman: excellent opening. Engineer for factory; $28 week. Firemen with license: white and colored.

Lathe hands, engine: 500 hr. and up. Metal polishers; in and out of city. Leather Japaner; $26 week to start. Woodworkers; all kinds wanted.

Night man for garage: $23 50 week. Poultry man, married; wages o. k. Butler and cook, colored: $30 wk. and fd.

Young men for factory work: 300 hour. Gardener; $70 month. board and room. Handy man; $45 month, board and room. Farm and dairy hande; 10 wanted.

Dishwasher: $15 week and board. THE STAR EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 230 W. Fourth First Floor. A PLACE SEEK EMPLOYMENT AUTO MECHANICS: 10 good openings. Woodworkers, all kinds; highest wages pd, Garage man, day work; $20 week to start.

Houseman, white; must do firing; $60 mo. Lathe hands; experienced: 55 cents up. Cabinet makers; highest wga, Dairy hands, wanted: $60 mo found. Farm hands. 10 wanted; $35 to $60 mo.

Orderly, young man for local hospital. THE MID-WEST EMPLOYMENT W. COR. THIRD AND MAIN 8TH, ADVERTISING SALESMAN Exclusive proposition of highest grade: every store. bank, hotel, church and manufacturer live prospect; very liberal commissions.

NEUMAN MFG, 416 Elm st. AUTOMOBILE WASHER White: must be experienced. H. T. AUTO 1116 Race st, AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC but frat -class need apply; K00d wage; steady position.

Apply after 13 5648 Moormann.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.