[+TUTORIAL+] Modify loot crate contents [v242] (2024)

Hi guys,

I hereby present you my tutorial to set up your loot crates. I have done this tutorial in good belief and based on how I got information from Wildcard and my own understanding. Please do not blame me, if it does not work as intended :-)

Explaining the code fragments

I firstly will explain the basic code fragments for you. This example was posted in the patch notes earlier:


First of all you need to get an overview of the item class names. Therefor you can either use the attached pdf list (it may be outdated with time) or you refer to the english wiki of the Entity IDs here

What you need to copy, is the last part of the name, without the "dot" in front of it and also not including the quotes at the end of the text:

[+TUTORIAL+] Modify loot crate contents [v242] (1)

So, the above mentioned example was using





You now need to add an "_C" to the name itself, so that it will look like this: PrimalItemResource_Stone_C

Now, lets start with the code fragments and what they are doing.


is defining that you are going to modify the loot crate that is available from Level 3.

You can choose the following loot crate numbers:

03 - for the white loot crate
15 - for the green loot crate
25 - for the blue loot crate
35 - for the purple loot crate
45 - for the yellow loot crate
60 - for the red loot crate

MinItemSets=1 - specifies how many sets will be at least in the loot crate.
MaxItemSets=1 - specifies how many sets will be at most in the loot crate.

One set then can contain one or more items. Therefor you are able to decide how many sets by chance a loot crate will contain. Based on the settings we just saw, the loot crate will always only contain 1 set's items as the minimum and maximum value is set to 1.

NumItemsPower=1.0 - is a multiplicator to modify the item quality. I was talking with @Zane earlier and he told me to stick with that 1.0 and not modify it at all. Otherwise you might get primitive or ascendat items overall. The value of 1.0 will remain a good mix of both.
bSetsRandomWithoutReplacement=true - this value ensures that one item will not be added twice to same loot crate, if it maybe was added to two different item-sets. If you set it to "false" it may happen, that you will get the same item twice with a different quantity, based on what you have specified.

MinNumItems=2 - specifies how many items from that set will be at least in the loot crate
MaxNumItems=2 - specifies how many items from that set will be at most in the loot crate

From these settings there will always be 2 items in the loot crate for now.

As you can see, you are able to not only modify the quantity of sets but also the quantity of the items itself also. THerefor you can generate a highly random loot crate, depending on the setting you have chosen. You could for example determine 5 different kind of sets. And all of these 5 sets have different kind of items in it. And only 2 sets of them are chosen in first place before it will be chosen which items from them will be used for the loot crate.

NumItemSetsPower=1.0 - specifies the item quality. Same here: stick to 1.0 according to Wildcard.
SetWeight=1.0 - specifies the chance that the current set would make it into the loot crate.
.... - this is the beginning of the possible contents of the loot crate.

EntryWeight=1.0 - this specifies the probability that the current item will be chosen for the loot crate. 0.1 eqals 10%, 0.2 equals 20% and so on. 1.0 would be 100% - so the set will always be part of the loot crate.
MinQuantity=10.0 - this specifies what the quantity of the current item would be at least
MaxQuantity=10.0 - this specifies what the quantity of the current item would be at most
MinQuality=1.0 - this specifies what the quality of the current item would be at least (stick to Wildcard's recommendation and keep it with 1.0)
MaxQuality=1.0 - this specifies what the quality of the current item would be at most (stick to Wildcard's recommendation and keep it with 1.0)
bForceBlueprint=false - this specifies if you always want to generate a blueprint instead of the item. If you choose "true" you will always get a blueprint.
ChanceToBeBlueprintOverride=0.0 - if you chose "false" above, then here you can specify the probability of getting a blueprint by using the same values as for the above mentioned percentage values. 1.0 would be equal to setting "true" in the " bForceBlueprint" setting.

Adding one or more items for a single set

Now, if you want to have different items in one set, you are going to separate them by comma:

Example for one item would be:


Example for two items would be:


Example for three items would be:


Now we have talked about all relevant values.


Please make sure, to always carefully check all comma that are in the command:

Example Loot Crate #1

Explaination of the example loot crate above:

  • You are going to overwrite the level 3 loot crate
  • It would always contain 10 stone and 10 thatch
    • The min/max qty is both 10 - so you will always get 10 of them
    • The min/max item qty is 2 - so you will always get both items

Example Loot Crate #2

Now lets take a look at a more complicated but complete example (please check for the colors to get the values meaning/function):

  • This loot crate will either contain 1 or 2 sets in total
  • The probability for set 1 is 80%, the probability for set 2 is 40% to be in the loot crate finally
  • If set 1 is chosen, then there will at least 1 and at most 2 items be chosen to be in the final loot crate. As there are totally 3 possible items, one item will not make it to the loot crate
  • PrimalItemResource_Stone_C has a 90% chance to be chosen as item, and if its chosen it will contain between 5 and 10 units
  • PrimalItemResource_Thatch_C has a 100% chance to be chosen as item. Therefor it will always be in the lootcrate with exactly 10 units
  • PrimalItemResource_Tintoberry_C has a 20% chance to be chosen as item, and if its chosen it will contain between 10 and 90 units

Now you are maybe asking yourself how these probabilities will work out for the loot crate. Let me explain to you.

As you can see, the first entry (Stone) has a chance of 90% to be in the loot crate. So in 9 out of 10 supply drops you will get stone. If stone is in the crate, it will go to the next item: Thatch. As Thatch has a 100% chance to be in, it will be chosen as next item. Now, we have alreay reached the 2 items max. qty limit. Therefor the set's chosen items are decided now. If stone would not be chosen to be in the loot crate (the odds are 1 out of 10 for that), then Thatch would be checked next. Thatch again will be in the crate, as it still has 100% chance to be chosen. Now we have a 20% chance that the Tinotberry will be added to the loot crate - however, this would only happen 1 out of 5 times. If you combine both probabilities that are used here you might can see, that by statistics you would get the Tintoberries only every 45 drops. And if stone isnt chosen, then 80% of the time, you wont get a second item added to that loot crate from the first items-set.

Now that we have determined which items are chosen from the first set, lets take a look at the second set.

  • As stated above, there is a 40% chance that this second set would be considered to be used for the next loot crate drop, so in 60% of all drops you wont get any items from this second set at all.
  • In the other 40% you would be able to get 1 or 2 items again.
  • PrimalItem_WeaponRocketLauncher_C has a chance of 50% to be chosen for be dropped and if it drops it will contain exactly 1 unit.
  • PrimalItem_WeaponSlingshot_C has a chance of 100% to be chosen and it will contain 1 or 2 units
  • If the rocket launcher will be chosen, there will be a 30% chance to get the blueprint instead of the item itself
  • If the Slingshot will be chosen, it will always be a blueprint

I know this whole thing is a bit hard to explain, but I hope I didnt make it more complicated than it actually is.


You must add the configuration in your game.ini file under [/script/shootergame.shootergamemode] - please make sure that you dont set up the same loot crate twice.

If you need the second example as text - here it is:

ConfigOverrideSupplyCrateItems=(SupplyCrateClassString="SupplyCrate_Level03_C",MinItemSets=1,MaxItemSets=2,NumItemSetsPower=1.0,bSetsRandomWithoutReplacement=true,ItemSets=((MinNumItems=1,MaxNumItems=2,NumItemsPower=1.0,SetWeight=0.8,bItemsRandomWithoutReplacement=true,ItemEntries=((EntryWeight=0.9,ItemClassStrings=("PrimalItemResource_Stone_C"),ItemsWeights=(1.0),MinQuantity=5.0,MaxQuantity=20.0,MinQuality=1.0,MaxQuality=1.0,bForceBlueprint=false,ChanceToBeBlueprintOverride=0.0),(EntryWeight=1.0,ItemClassStrings=("PrimalItemResource_Thatch_C"),ItemsWeights=(1.0),MinQuantity=10.0,MaxQuantity=10.0,MinQuality=1.0,MaxQuality=1.0,bForceBlueprint=false,ChanceToBeBlueprintOverride=0.0),(EntryWeight=0.2,ItemClassStrings=("PrimalItemResource_Tintoberry_C"),ItemsWeights=(1.0),MinQuantity=10.0,MaxQuantity=90.0,MinQuality=1.0,MaxQuality=1.0,bForceBlueprint=false,ChanceToBeBlueprintOverride=0.0))),(MinNumItems=1,MaxNumItems=2,NumItemsPower=1.0,SetWeight=0.4,bItemsRandomWithoutReplacement=true,ItemEntries=((EntryWeight=0.5,ItemClassStrings=("PrimalItem_WeaponRocketLauncher_C"),ItemsWeights=(1.0),MinQuantity=1.0,MaxQuantity=1.0,MinQuality=1.0,MaxQuality=1.0,bForceBlueprint=false,ChanceToBeBlueprintOverride=0.3),(EntryWeight=1.0,ItemClassStrings=("PrimalItem_WeaponSlingshot _C"),ItemsWeights=(1.0),MinQuantity=1.0,MaxQuantity=2.0,MinQuality=1.0,MaxQuality=1.0,bForceBlueprint=true,ChanceToBeBlueprintOverride=0.0)))))






[+TUTORIAL+] Modify loot crate contents [v242] (2024)


Is Loot Crate out of business? ›

While under Chapter 11 bankruptcy, it planned to continue to fulfill orders but seeks potential buyers. On October 1, 2019, subscribers were informed by email of Loot Crate's sale to Money Chest LLC., majority funded by NECA. The company now operates under a new name: The Loot Company.

What does loot crate do? ›

What's inside? A curated collection of awesome items from the best pop culture franchises, delivered to your door every month.

How do you get loot crates? ›

Sign up for a Loot Crate Subscription, then add a one-time Loot Crate Welcome Crate from the shopping cart. A $60 value for $19.99! Get your Welcome Crate now while you wait for your first subscription crate!

Why are loot boxes illegal? ›

Several potential harms have been associated with loot boxes, such as potential mental health and financial issues and their close resemblance to gambling. Due to these issues, some countries have started regulating loot boxes, with some countries outright banning certain types of loot boxes.

Are Lootcrates worth it? ›

Lootcrate is the bomb! You get some super cool items and when you get items that you either don't know or don't know well enough, it gives you a reason to get into it!!

Are loot crates online gambling? ›

The government believed that, although loot boxes had some similarities with gambling, an important distinction was the ability to 'cash out rewards'. The government said that a loot box prize 'does not normally have real world monetary value outside of the game'.”

Where is Loot Crate located? ›

Loot Crate's headquarters is located at 3401 Pasadena Ave, Los Angeles. What is Loot Crate's latest funding round? Loot Crate's latest funding round is Asset Sale.

What are the cons of loot boxes? ›

Loot Box Spending May Lead To Problem Gambling

Emerging research suggests that loot box purchases and similar gambling behavior among children or teens can lead to problem gambling later in life. These activities seem fun and harmless, potentially normalizing risky behavior.

Does Loot Crate have an app? ›

You can grab our iOS and Android app right here: http://road.ie/lootcrate.

How do I cancel my Loot Crate subscription? ›


When was Loot Crate founded? ›

Founded in 2012, Loot Crate™, Inc. is the worldwide leader in fan subscription boxes. Loot Crate partners with industry leaders in entertainment, gaming, sports, and pop culture to deliver monthly themed crates, produce interactive experiences and digital content, and film original video productions.

How do you disable loot crates in Ark? ›

To disable a Loot Crate, include it and leave its ItemSet list empty. Disable a creature's loot, then killing that creature won't give you crap any more. To change a creature's loot, make sure it has at least 2 ItemSet. After changing the ItemSet, click the "Update" button to update the Loot Crates.

What drops sap in Ark? ›

It is obtained by: Crafting a Tree Sap Tap and placing it on a Redwood Tree. Harvesting the Joshua Trees ("furry" ones) with a Pickaxe, Hatchet, or Chainsaw on Scorched Earth.

How do you get supply drops? ›

Supply Drops are a unique container which spawn differently to most others in the game. Unlike Chests, Supply Drops (aside from those found in Vaults, or Pawntoon) do not spawn at the start of a match. Instead, Supply Drops will spawn later into the game at randomized locations within The Storm circle.

What happened to anime Loot Crate? ›

They even partnered with Crunchyroll in 2020, resulting in a monthly box for fans of the Gundam Franchise. But after years of operation, both anime boxes were discontinued. Loot Anime chose the theme "Heroes" for its last anime boxes in December 2023. However, other subscription services by Loot Crate are still active.

Are loot boxes going away? ›

Loot Boxes were a feature of Overwatch. They were removed in Overwatch 2. Any unopened loot boxes from the original game were automatically opened in players' accounts when logging into Overwatch 2. In Overwatch 2, the battle pass system is the closest equivalent.

What is the valuation of Loot Crate? ›

Loot Crate has raised $51.5M over 4 rounds. Loot Crate's latest funding round was a Line of Credit for $10M on August 12, 2019. Loot Crate's valuation in August 2018 was $101.85M.

What's better than Loot Crate? ›

Loot Crate Alternatives
  • Curiosity Box. Curiosity Box delivers Vsauce's mind-boggling science toys, puzzles, books, games, and much more right to your home four times a year. ...
  • Fallout Crate. ...
  • J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World. ...
  • Brick Loot. ...
  • BRICKBOX. ...
  • Marvel Collector Corps. ...
  • ComicBoxer. ...
  • ZBOX.


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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.