Semana Santa And the Penitents (2024)


Don Danko

Active member
Feb 16, 2009
  • Oct 17, 2012
  • #3

That is something I noticed.In Spanish saint is Santa. Spanish and other European languages are all identical in the fact one teacher of European languages stated if you know one wordin one of them. You can know a thousand other words in several of them. And its openly established and well known by researchers and scholars in general. That Sanskrit is the core and original of all Indo-European languages there are still whole words in the Welsh languagethat are Sanskirt today.The point being I note in the East that saintis anothertitle for Siddha's and spiritual adepts in general. Santa as another spelling of Satan and the fact in the ancient world as part of the culture many ascended ones took the name of the God as a symbolic honor of the spiritual meaning behind the God as part of the working. In the ancient world Sat-an as a title was a direct name for the kundalini serpent as well. Which the Sol God is also the personification of. And this Sol God is always Satan in the oldest cultures.Santa's where once beings [Pagan world here] who had risen the power. If this had not been part of the Pagan world and proceeded xianity. Then the enemy never would have appropriate it into their program and corrupted it.I have stated before its my belief Sat-an was once the universal title for Him in the ancient world. Otherwise the hebes would not have glumed onto this title of all other titles for Him. To defame Him with.From what I haveseen the mystical jewish texts admit this fact as well in their own sideway.
From: hammerofthegods_666 <hammerofthegods_666@...
To: [emailprotected]
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 9:13:12 AM
Subject: [666BlackSun] Re: Semana Santa And the Penitents
Very impressive. This explains the story of Sanat Kumara [Satan] descending from Venus with 144,000 "Lords of the Flame." Theosophy has f*cked a lot of things up in the same manner that both Catholic and Protestant Christianity have, but people like us can see the greater truth behind the myths, unlike the mundane folk.

"Santa" and "Sanat" are both anagrams for "Satan."

As for the wooden cross actually having been one of our symbols that was originally despised by the Church, but later stolen from us, here is an excerpt from "Aryan Sun-Myths" by S. Titcomb:

"Overwhelming proof was obtained that the sun-myths of the ancient Aryans were the origin of the religions in all of the countries which
were peopled by the Aryans. The Saviours worshipped in these lands are personifications of the Sun, the chief god of the Aryans. Overwhelming proof was obtained that the sun-myths of the ancient Aryans were the origin of the religions in all of the countries which
were peopled by the Aryans. The Saviours worshipped in these lands are personifications of the Sun, the chief god of the Aryans. That Pagan nations worshipped a crucified man, was admitted by the Fathers of the early Christian Church. The holy Father Minucius Felix, in his Octavius, written as late as A. D. 211, indignantly resents the supposition that the sign of the cross should be considered as exclusively a Christian symbol; and represents his advocate of the Christian argument as retorting on an infidel opponent thus: "As for the adoration of crosses, which you object to against us, I must tell
you that we neither adore crosses nor desire them. You it is, ye Pagans, who worship wooden gods, who are the most likely people to adore wooden crosses, as being parts of the same substance with your deities. For what else are your ensigns, flags, and standards, but crosses gilt and beautified? Your victorious trophies not only represent a simple cross, but a cross with a man upon it." Tertullian, a Christian Father of the second and third centuries,
writing to the Pagans, says: "The origin of your gods is derived from figures moulded on a cross. All those rows of images on your standards are the appendages of crosses; those hangings on your
standards and banners are the robes of crosses"
{Egyptian Belief, p. 217). END Quote

I am not defending what has become of "the cross," but I thought I'd share that interesting quote. As for a "man on the cross," who is the personification of the sun, I find that it is no mistake that the sun, and the "number of a man" equals "666," the number feared by the Jews, even when they try to hi-jack it with the Illuminati, and such. The Jews, by nature, are a very Lunar people, while we are Solar. The Swastika equals "666," and it was no coincidence that Adolf Hitler chose the left-hand path version of it.

You have provided some advanced knowledge that is way over the heads of mundane people, no matter how spiritual some of them may be. Many years ago, in one of the main JoS e-groups, I had posted about the connection between the Trident symbol and the AUM mantra. Some Negro-red went batsh*t when I said that Satan being a "water God" is symbolic of the life-force. The moron e-mails me, saying, "He's still a water God." This goes to show that Satan only places his affairs into the hands of those he can count on; those who are capable of grasping the greater truths. "En-KI" not only means "Lord of the Earth," but "Lord of the Life-force." In the Hurrian texts, Enki/Satan was known as "Ayus." "Ayus" means "life-force."

I believe that there is an "as within, so without," in many respects. Enki/Satan's Abzu [abyss] is the depths of the human soul, while at the same time being the hidden underground kingdom of Shambhala, the Far Eastern birthplace of the Aryan race, called "Aryana" by the Persians.


High Priest Jake Carlson

--- In, "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

Its a well known fact the Catholic program traditional symbols [even the crucifix] and dress of their clergy are stolen from the Pagan world. The Vatican alone is covered in Pagan images stolen from the world they tried to destroy, steal and cover up. Along with the corruption of the concepts behind them, to create their program.

Here we will look into the connection between the holiday and ritual wear of Semana Santa and where its stolen origins are from.

"Ostara is a Pagan holiday celebrated between March 21-23 on the Spring Equinox. The Church came up with the bright idea to celebrate Christ's passion and resurrection taking a whole week for that which is now called Easter. In predominantly Catholic countries it is called "Semana Santa" or Holy Week in Spanish."

In some translations its also called "Easter Week."

The men in the robes and cone hats are described as:

'They are penitents – people who are paying for some kind of sin or are asking something of God. According to tradition, they are dressed like that because it makes them look like cypresses, which in turn look like candles, the traditional symbol of a soul ascending to heaven.'

This gets into the meaning behind the conical headdress and wear which goes all the way back to very ancient Pagan times:

"Sims says that these priests wore rocket-shaped conical hats decorated with rows for sun and moon symbols that are said to outline the metonic cycle of the sun and moon. Several of these tall golden hats one with a chinstrap- have been disocovered in Ireland and central Europe, which suggests they may be of Celtic origin. Said to date from 1500 BC, they are possibly a precursor of the traditional conical wizard's hat. A similarly shaped hat was placed on the head of a person consider to be a "dunce', a word that derives from 'dunn' or 'dune' maeaning 'hill' or an 'upwelling of energy'. By thus focusing attention ( on the chakra vortex above the head, it was believed that the wearer would be granted more 'brain power' or intelligence."

The Serpent Grail by Philip Gardiner with Gary Osborn.

The sun and moon depicted on the helms relate also to the union of the sun and moon or male and female aspects of the soul at the ajna or pineal gland center where the trine aspect of the serpent power meet and join.

The book also states that in China these hats where also worn by the mag [this name is important] or their court magicians the Chinese character for mag is a cross with slightly splayed ends, which was also used by the Templar.

Mag is another title for the mystic pillar [mount meru axis or spinal column]the same as the magicans who wore these conical hats. And its also found in Sumerian meaning "to move." Mostly the power upwards.

This dress also appears in the image of the Priests of EA or Oannes in the ME with fish styled headdress [where the mitre comes from] and cloaks which gets into the ancient mention of the "Fish Tower of:

"which is deipicted nondescript kind of fish formed like a column or tower, passing Maypole-like, through the ring or O of IO." Note this images where also found in Europe and where used by the Pagan cultures there as well.

Also the Benben tower of Osirus with the conical or pyramidal top which represents the spinal column and the power ascended to the top of the spine in the crown the obelisk is a version of this and was originally related to the basilisk:

"Osiris was also known as Ob-El ("'Shining Serpent'), or Pytho Sol ('Serpent Sun'). Great pillars of stone were dedicated to this worship and in Grecian times these were called Obelos or Obeliscus. They are now known as Obelisk pillars and related to the Basiliks [my note the Royal Serpent]. These pillars were obvious allusions to the axis mundi or World Axis and symbolized both the Earth's polar axis and the human spinal column, as also evidenced in the Djed column, the Egyptian symbol for stability, which was also associated with Osiris and referred to as his 'spine' or 'backbone'.

The fish headdress and ritual robe and divine phallus hold the identical meaning. Many phallus images like the serpent images have a head of a human on the top for the same meaning. The ascended power. The Benben tower is connected to the Phoenix.

The Benben stone is shown as conical stone. That sits upon the pillar symbol of the spinal column.

Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Dionysus and the divine phallus was also shown in the shape of fish. The phallus is the spinal column with the kundalini full risen. EA [Oannes] is also shown as a Fish cloaked God in the ME and Lord of the Water for the same reason. The life force.

ICHTHYS standing for the Greek words meaning "Jesus Christ, Son of God, [our] Savior"

Its my personal opinon jesus is mainly stolen from Dionysus. The jews stole the image of Serapis [Osirius] who as the Egyptians stated was Dionysus as well, for their jesus character.

This cone symbol is also shown as the top of mount meru in Eastern texts which appear identical to Amurru pillar seen in the Sumerian cylinder seals.

In Egypt the sacred symbol for bread is cone shapped but it relates to the bread of life or manna which is connected to the energies of the soul and especially it seems the dew of the pineal gland.

'In religious symbolism the candlestick is the symbol of spiritual illumination, of the light, and of seed of life and of salvation."- Cirlot in the Dictionary of symbols.

The illumanted tree is also an ancient Pagan concept and the tree as the symbol of the human soul such as the World Tree. Are also well known. The trunk is the spinal column with the branches representing the 144,000 nadis of the soul. And the individual worlds representing the charka centers along the spine. The "xmas" tree [World Tree]is an ancient Pagan symbol that was put up at Yule to symbolize the reborn sol with the candles being the illumanted nadis and the star at the top the halo of the risen serpent. The perfected and reborn soul.

A deep meaning of Druid is "Knower of the Tree" and in the ancient Priesthoods one of the highest ranking levels one could obtain such as in the Eleusinian mystery was the title of Yew. As in the sacred Yew tree that along with the Oak was honored by the Pagans. The spiritual symbolism across the Pagan world on the tree its connection to the soul could fill its own book.

Back to Semana Santa:

They are penitents – people who are paying for some kind of sin or are asking something of God. According to tradition, they are dressed like that because it makes them look like cypresses, which in turn look like candles, the traditional symbol of a soul ascending to heaven.

Sin is a Pagan concept for the impurites in the soul to be burned out with the spiritual process. This also relates to the Titan aspect to be purified from the soul of the practioner, leaving only the Olympian in the Hellenic mysteries.etc In the East this process of purification by spiritual fire [the Yogic body of fire is the immortal, perfected one in the Eastern texts] is still called literally "penance". The penitent is one who is preforming penance for their sins. The isle of Patmos in the Pagan world was known for housing many practioners who lived in isolation around and on the sacred mount. Spending months peforming such alchemical operations or penances. To purify themselves spiritual.

To sum it all up.

What we are originally looking at is a symbol of alchemly where the men are wearing symbols of the ascended power on the time of the ressurrection [the ascent of the serpent] which was celebrated by Pagans such as the followers of Dionysus at this time [Semana Santa/Easter]. Hence the tree or candle images its all symbols of the ascended power the conical hat as seen being the symbol of the Priests who have ascended the power. Who are in turn named after the mystical tree or tower the Mag and even. Which the symbol of the conical headdress symbolizes the soul ascending to heaven as heaven is the alchemist term for the crown chakra this cone represents the serpent power ascending to. The Benben or coincal stone that rest upon the symbolic spine of the Osirius tower.etc

To put it bluntly these guys are walking "xmas trees" and the Pagan symbolism behind the yule tree and the illumination of the soul. Which the Priest conical hat meaning the same as the halo or star on the tree.

On Semana Santa we are looking at Pagan Priests celebrating the ressurrection of the serpent power up the spine to the crown and the purification of the soul that comes with it and the reborn state of consciousness. At the time of the ressurrected Pagan God which symbolizes this power. The White robes symbol the purified soul.

Some penitents in this Easter processions are holding the staff with the crescent looking metal ends are the spinal column with the dual aspects of the power. And in one photo I note the leader carrying a banner. The head of the parade for Dionysus on Easter in the ancient world had the head priest carrying a wooden pole or phallic symbol or in some cases a cross [xainity didn't use the cross till the seventh century]. In some cases a naked youth covered in white clay would do this as the symbol of the purified soul and reborn sun/soul. Some of these festivals still surive in the East today.

Semana Santa And the Penitents (2024)


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