The Western origins of the Witchcraft Tradition (2024)

The Western origins of the Witchcraft Tradition

The origins of the Arya

"The priests of the Mysteries were symbolized as a serpent, sometimes called Hydra...The Serpent Kings reigned over the earth. It was these Serpent Kings who founded the Mystery schools which later appeared as the Egyptian and Brahmin Mysteries... .The serpent was their symbol...They were the true Sons of Light, and from them have descended a long line of adepts and initiates." - Hall

The Druids called themselves the Naddreds which translates to Serpents. Their symbol was a serpent wrapped around a rod and the Dragon.

The true source of the term "Arya/Aryan" comes form Lord EA, EA prounced or spoken properly is Arya. Hence the race of him and created by him in his image and blood, and the other "Shinning Ones" the Nordic's of Orion bare his name no different then you bare your Fathers surname. It also relates to alchemical concept within the race as well of the spiritual light of the inner Godhead. Of which our races most ancient of holy banners the swastika relates.

Origins the European connection:

"The Pheryllt were Druids of the Cymry people who arrived in the British Isles from "Defrobani" which is a Welsh of Taprobana, a name for Sri Lanka. It is said that the Cymry where guided from Sri Lanka to the British Isles by the Welsh cultural hero, Hu Gadarn, and proof of their Westward journey is the Welsh language, which is full of Sanscrrit root words.Hu Gadran founded what many believe to have been the incipient sect of Druids, the Pheryllt, a term meaning "Alchemists." The term Britian itself comes out of the ancient Sanskrit word Bharat, the ancient Aryan name for the area today known as the Indian subcontinent.

"The Druidical religion prevailed not only in Britian, but likewise across the East."-E.Keneanly, the Book of God

It is well known that Sanskrit language is the root language of the Indo-Aryan

"When we examine the etymology of the word Teuton or Teonic which are both derived from base word teuta (pronounced tay-oo-tay). This compares precisely with the Egyptian scribe of the Gods,Tahuti, who is known as Thoth by the Greeks."

This title is also carried with the Tuatha de Danaan of ancient Arie.

In Erie(Arie in the original spelling) today the sacred Tara mounds still exist "Arya Tara" is a Goddess still worshipped in the East and was also known in Egypt.

Arie of Egypt connection:

References to some of the earliest epochs in Egypt and the arrival of Atlantean colonists can be found of the country's remaining papyrus scrolls. The papyrus of Turin, for example, alludes to priest-kings ruling Egypt. The country was ruled by the Shemsu Hor."

The original race that build and was the lived in the land today known as Egypt called themselves the Shemsu Hor or Heru. They described themselves as blue eyed sons of the blue eyed, blonde haired God Heru. Heru in the ancient language translates as "He of the Ari" and Shemsu as "Serpent(s)." So we see a common kinship with the other Ari or Arya of Europe and the East.

One of the most important finds in Egypt happened when the Egyptologist and Archaeologist Professor Walter B. Emery(1903-1971) while excavating tombs at Saqqara. Emery found men with blond hair and fair complexions. These individuals where revered by the Egyptians as a special class an endowed elite the "Shemsu Hor" (Serpents of He Of The Ari).

The Famous Egyptologist, author of Archaic Egypt discovered the remains who lived in the predynastic epoch. These presented a dolichocephalous skull larger than that of the local etnic group, fair hair and a taller, heavier build. Emery declared that this stock wasn't indigenous to Egypt…This race kept its distance from the common people, blending only with the aristocratic classes….the scholar associated them with the Shemsu Hor….The Shemsu Hor are recognized as the dominant sacerdotal caste in pre-dynastic Egypt."-V.Di Cesare and A.Forgione "Malta: Skulls of the Mother Goddess

Professor Emery wrote of these Shemsu Hor: "The Demigods of Manetho's history."

These Shemsu Hor where stated to original lived on an island homeland as well.

A very revealing text on the truth of the ancient Egyptians record of their origin:

-Col. Henry Steel Olcott, a former president of the Theosophical Society, who
explained in a March, 1881 edition of The Theosophist (page 123) that:

"We have a right to more than suspect that India, eight thousand years ago, sent a colony of emigrants who carried their arts and high civilization into what is now known to us as Egypt...This is what Bengsch Bey, the modern as well as the most trusted Egyptologer and antiquarian says on the origin of the old Egyptians. Regarding these as a branch of the Caucasian[Aryan] family having a close affinity with the Indo-Germanic races, he insists that they 'migrated from India before historic memory, and crossed that bridge of nations, the Isthus of Suez,to find a new fatherland on the banks of the Nile."

The Egyptians came, according to their own records, from a mysterious land...on the shore of the Indian Ocean, the sacred Punt; the original home of their gods...who followed thence after their people who had abandoned them to the valley of the Nile, led by Amon, Hor and Hathor. This region was the Egyptian 'Land of the Gods,' Pa-Nuter, in old Egyptian, or Holyland, and now proved beyond any doubt to have been quite a different place from the Holyland of Sinai. By the pictorial hieroglyphic inscription found on the walls of the temple of the Queen Haslitop at Der-el-babri, we see that this Punt can be no other than India. For many ages the Egyptians traded with their old homes, and the reference here made by them to the names of the Princes of Punt and its fauna and flora, especially the nonmenclature of various precious woods to be found but in India, leave us scarcely room for the smallest doubt that the old civilization of Egypt is the direct outcome of that the older India."

(source: Theosophist for March 1881 p. 123).
The legends of Atlantis the Aryan homeland we have in the West where handed down to Solon and then Plato via the ancient Egyptians who stated they had come from Atlantis which had been destroyed thousands of years before. And of which they where the cultural/racial bears of.
Now we have an Egyptian record showing this Isle was on the shore of modern day Southern India and we have archeological proof today of a massive sunken cities in this region around S.India and Sri Lanka even a sunken land bridge. And numerous cultures claiming with proof origin from said area themselves. Someone switched the direction the Egyptians stated they came from, from West to East instead of the original East to West. Sri Lanka was part of a much larger land mass that sunk beneath the waves thousands of years ago.
[On a personal note years ago I came across in an National Geographic article a photo of an old wall fresco from a ancient palace dug up in Sri Lanka the women on the walls had red hair and blue eyes and White skin.]
More on White Egypt:

Another connection:

"The Yezidis, who now reside in Northern Iraq….before coming to Iraq they had resided in India" The Yezidi God is Melek Taus who symbol like Murrugan in Sri Lanka is the Peaco*ck and the Serpent. Within the Yezidi writings Melek Taus makes mention of Shambhalla the sarced place of the East and to the Lotus another Eastern spiritual theme.

The Peaco*ck the sacred symbol to the Yezidi, Mandean and Hindu alike , is native only to the Far East not the Middle East or Europe and nowhere else on the planet. The Peaco*ck was a sacred bird in Europe to the Goddess Hera and the God Dionysus(of whom the serpent is also sacred)

"Like the Yezidi the Mandeans also have a tradition regarding Melek Taus, whom they refer to in their texts as Malka Taus….Melek Taus was present at the birth place of the Mandean culture, the island paradise of Sri Lanka…where he was known not only as the Peaco*ck Angel, but also as Murrugan.. According to Mandean legend Melek Taus came down from Sri Lanka's highest mountain and taught the Mandeans' their spiritual wisdom.

The Mandean's have also stated the Sumerians( of who they view themselves being a remnant of like the Yezidi) came from Sri Lanka area, Graham Hanco*ck author and researcher on the subject stated in an interview that the cost of Southern India is covered with sunken cities especially the sunken land bridge that once connected the island of Sri Lanka to the main Indian continent. The Mandeans state the Garden of Edin(abode of the Gods) was in Sri Lanka as do many other tribes in the Near East today.

Melek Taus(ENKI=Satan) is also known in Europe as the Green man among the Pagans there.

It is also been proven the Sumerian language has it's origin in Sanskrit. Many of the Sumerian cylinder seals also match those of the Indus Valley.

Modern archeological finds in India have unearthed a massive ancient Aryan civilization along the Saraswati river bed, the Saraswati river mentioned in the ancient Veda's was though a myth till satellite imaging found it's ancient course. The findings show the river went dry over eight to ten thousand years ago. This not only rolls back the Veda's to over eight thousand years but is proof the earliest Aryan civilization was in the East, not the Middle East. The dates on the sunken finds around Sri Lanka and Southern India match with that of the Sarawati finds.

The Western Tradition of Witchcraft

It was from the Western directed branch of the Arya migrating out of their destroyed homeland and seeking new shores that the base and orign of the European or Western Witchcraft Tradition is rooted in. The Priestarchy of the Arya known universally as the Serpents later became popularized in Europe as the "Druids."

On the Serpents of Europe:

The Druids called themselves the "Naddreds" which is Gaelic for "Serpent Priests." The Druids or Naddreds held the symbol of the Serpent and Dragon in the highest honor as the symbol of royalty. It was recorded the Druid Arphaxad referred to himself as thus: "I am a Serpent." They main symbol was a serpent wrapped around a rod or a tree.

This culture in was described by an expert who studied it as more advanced in all areas of civilization then Rome or Greece at its height. The homes under earthed alone are grand palaces unmatched today.

"Who where the Druids? The Druids did not call themselves by such a name the name itself was a Gaelic title "Druthin" given to them by others."This title means "Wise One" same as Witch, they refer to truth in the sense of the state of awareness that comes with activating/raising this serpent energy.
Another famous title for the Serpents, Magi also means "Wise One", but in the same sense as Witch/Druid it comes from a Sanskrit term meaning Magnificent as in radiant with energy, from having a fully risen kundalini.

This title [Druid] relates to the state of higher awareness or Gnosis and virtues of the individual Serpent with awakening this serpentine energy. This title of Druid becomes interchangeable with that of Witch as both symbolize the state of higher consciousness or Gnosis that come with awakening and rising the serpent to the crown. In this sense Witch relates to the female aspect of the serpent power, but at the same time Warlock an old Gaelic term for Wizard symbolizes a male Pagan Priest who has obtained Gnosis via fully risen serpent. Where Witch is title for the female Priestess. I the Pagan world to be a Priest or Priestess one had to have a fully risen serpent.
Note this is also the original of Gnosticism, gnosis the ancient term for the all knowing state that manifests when the kundalini serpent ascends to the crown. The Serpents are the also the origin of the famous King Arthur and Grail mythos all allegories for the Great Working or Magnum Opus of the personal Godhead. Only latter some was given a Xain veneer over top, the joke of what passes for Gnosticism today in the mainstream has been so infested with Jewish-Xainity it leads to nothing but the opposite of Gnosis.

The Arya Serpents of Europe: "Built a Gnostic civilization with a fluid caste system composed of commoners, at its lowest, followed by the warriors and then themselves the Serpents Priests, who could be male of female." Within the Arya society class was based upon spiritual evolution thus a fluid caste existed where a individual may rise, fall or exist as they like. With those who desire to achieve spiritual enlightenment evolving themselves to the top, thus ensuring society has the highest conscious beings governing its course and mentoring the next generation of the Folk with it.
"At the pinnacle of the Serpents caste was the Arch-Druid and below him where the Druid Elders, who administered an unwritten law know as the "Tara" and sat as lawmakers and judges in Coucils of Twelve.The high Druids were the final word in all matters relating to divine law[divine in the Aryan world was cosmic or eternal laws of nature understanding the universe and it's order or laws of life as divine] and justice; they were the "Supreme Court" of a tribe and co-ruled it with a specially chosen warrior or divinely chosen king. "
The major position of many Serpents was to oversee the massive Temple school's the largest of which existed in Arieland(Ireland today) and the British Isle. Such as the one mention as Snowdon in modern Wales.
"The students at these universities numbered at times sixty-thousand souls, among whom were included the young nobility of Britain and Gaul. It required twenty years to master the circle of Druidic knowledge." The reason for the time, was it took around 20 or more years to fully ascend the serpent(thus becoming a full qualified Priest) this is seen in many ancient traditions and mentioned today by teachings from India(infact due to removal of knowledge many are lucky to ever achieve it, as it has extend to several of more decades at all if they obtain it.) One such center in Arieland housed 300,000 import texts, these Temple centers where destroyed by the Catholic church over several decades of pulling them down stone by stone and recycling them into other buildings.

"The Serpent caste was subdivided into Bards who functioned as chanters t(he symbol of the Harp meaning is the power of vibration to empower the soul) as well as Vates who played the rolers of diviners, and those who served as priests, judges and advisors to the ruling kings…..Although all priestly Druids were of the same status. One sub-sect of them known as the Pheryll, appear to have been one of the most advanced." This seems to be a caste mainly concerned with the apex and highest rung of Witchcraft that of achieving the personal Godhead.
"In their Temple center of Snowdon in modern day Wales the Serpents founded the "ambrosial city of Emrys" Emrys is also remembered as "Dinas Affaraon," the "place of Higher Powers," i.e the place where a Druid could achieve the apex of his or her spiritual powers and consciousness"(The Godhead of spiritual and physical perfection and immorality along with all the powers the perfected Godhead contains).
Emrys was the headquarters of the "Dragons of Beli" and the Goddess Kerridwen.

The alchemical initiation of the Pheryllt( thus the entire Serpent Order) involved an elixir of immortality that was decanted from a chalice shaped like a crescent moon called the Cauldron of Kerridwen, or the "Cauldron of Inspiration." To partake of this elixir of Kerridwen's Cauldron lead the initiate into a inner death and rebirth, (by awaking the inner serpent power and raising towards the crown leading to the subsequent awakening of gnosis.) The Druids referred to this state as Awen meaning "inspiration." Here is the origin of the Grail mythos as the Grail is another symbol for the Perfected Soul or Godhead and is seen in Lucifer's Sigil.
When Awen fully active, a Druid was able to fully access the powers of their psyche.

Awen is another name for the female serpent power called Sophia or Shakti in other traditions, hence it's awakening leads to expansion of consciousness still symbolized in the Cobra with it's hood fully opened in the Egyptian and Vedic Aryan cultures. Hence why when Awen was fully actived the serpent(Druid) was able to fully make use of their higher mind as the serpent power when raised fully activates the dormant parts of the mind, leading to super conscious or Gnosis.
"A Welsh alchemical verse within the Book of Talieson, known as The Spoils of Annwn, defines both Kerridwen and her Cauldron as intimately related to the alchemical serpent power. The allegory contained in the poem recounts the journey of King Arthur and his Knights as they journey though Annwn, the underworld and discover the Cauldron of Kerridwen in the" Four Cornered Castle in the Isle of the Strong Door." This is a cryptic allusion to Kerridwen's Cauldron being the British version of the serpent power Kundalini which lies deep within a person(their underworld ) in the four-petal root charka(the Four Corned Castle) at the entrance to the Sushumna energy meridian(the Strong Closed Door)."

In the center of Glastonbury the Serpents built a mound known as Glastonbury Tor, "the Spiral Castle," which is comprised of the serpentine number of seven levels or tiers. Also known as the home of the Dragoness Kerridwen, the Tor contains polar opposite red and whites springs that circulate and unite to produce the power and wisdom of the serpent which vibrates thoughout the Tor. Thought the ages alchemists have travelled to Glastonbury Tor to capture water from the red and whites springs for their experiments."
"Megalithic stones found on the summit of Glastonbury Tor point its use as center for rituals. It has been suggested that during the most energetic days of the years, the Sabbats and Esbats, special rites where performed by the Serpents on Glastonbury Tor."

More on Serpents sites:
"One of their (Druids) temples in the island of Lewis in the Hebrides, bears evident signs of their skill in the science of astronomy. Every stone in the temple is placed astronomically. The circle consists of twelve equidistant obelisks denoting the twelve signs of the zodiac. The four cardinal points of the compass are marked by lines of obelisks running out from the circle, and at each point subdivided into four more."
The Druids after numerous attempts by the then Jewish controlled "Roman Empire" much like the "American Empire" of today is kosher owned and operated at the top, to destroy them by armed force from without failed, where slowly subverted from within by a sect called the Culdee's this internal subversion is identical to how the Jews and their agents topple the powerful priesthood of Serapis in Egypt and the Free Masons with the Illuminati later on.
Christianity was first introduced into Britain when Pope Gregary I approved a law which sanctioned the fusion of Celtic and Christian belief. Soon afterwards, many British kings, such as King Diarmuid
MacCerunbhail, accepted Christianity and declared that both it and Druidism should co-exist as cooperative religious faiths. As a result, some new sects arose which were an amalgamation of the two traditions.

The Druid-Christian synthesis eventually engendered the formation of certain sects like that of the Culdees. The Culdees pursued a daily regimen of both Druid and Christian spiritual disciplines while living as a cloistered group of monks upon the ancient Danaan Island of Iona. After genuflecting in front of the cross and chanting Christian devotional hymns, they would commune with the Druid nature spirits in the fields or recite the magical incantations of the ancient Pheryllt and Danaans. Many Culdees who mastered the Danaan magical rites were known to have achieved the power to shape-shift, becoming invisible and even summon blistering storms on demand. Their ultimate goal, however, was to achieve the state of Jesus Christ, a renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids." –HP Carlson
In the case with the Serapis way as with the Druids in a war of Xain genocide the majority of Pagans the leaders and lay alike where genocided in Egypt after a 20 year rampage not one of the upper Pagan classes priestly included was left alive. The same in Arieland where Patrick spent decades leading the warpath of death and destruction against the Arya Serpents still honored by Xainity today as the Commissar who drove the Serpents from Ireland.
Thankfully the Church was not as powerful as it claims till later on in history and many Serpents escaped and remerged with the veneer of external Xian trappings as the Cathars and Templar Orders later on. Anf from there the Free Masons and Rosicrucian Order the second chapter of the Witchcraft Tradition to be mentioned in depth in part two.

Irish Origins of Civilizaton, Tsarion, Micheal
The Coming Gnostic Civilization, Pinkham, Young
The Black Sun, Moon Peter

The Western origins of the Witchcraft Tradition (2024)


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